Great Product and Inexpencive alternative
to have a complete look of your Replica Cobra.
Confirmed to fit FFR Replicas
Material: Aluminum, Clear coated
Finished to fit your baby!
Instalation only takes 10-15 minutes.
No drilling required
Slips over existing lip for a tight fit.
Looks Great makes it look complete!
The grid on the grille is 1/2" L x 1/4"H
Air flow is at 100%
It will stop debris ,leaves ,newspaper, plastic bags
and rocks to protect your fans and radiator.
Also looks similar to a popular cover for the brake vents up front.
Only $49.99
S&H $9.99
Please Email me for any questions and any
additional Pictures.
Payments can be made by Pay Pal
Cashiers Checks or Money Order
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