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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-28-2010, 03:35 PM
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Default NJ Registration changes?

Now that new jersey no longer inspects vehicles for safety ,only for emissions ,does anyone know how this will affect kit car registrations/titling? I am in the process of a build and want to know if the old process will still be in effect. I know their is a bill that is supposed to change kit car registration to "the year the vehicle most closely resembles" for the purposes of safety and emissions , but it seems to be moving at a snails pace through the process. Anyone have any inside information? By the way i have tried calling the state senators and assemblymen many times and i always came up with no real answer from them on the bills progress or when it might become law.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-28-2010, 04:10 PM
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Unless there is something in the bill that will benifit the crooks in the house and senate in NJ, the bill will not see the light of day. Time to put out the trash on November 2nd! You don't have to switch political parties, just vote for the new guy or gal. The defination of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. So if we want change why do people keep voting the same idiots back in office? We need to put an end to career polititions.

As it stands now, a reconstructed vehicle (kit car) has to pass emissions as to the year of the engine block. 1970 block 1970 emissions. I am assuming you still have to pass the safety inspection before you can register the car. We don't qualify for antique plates. My Cobra had to be registered as a 2008 since that was the year it was completed and pass emissions for 1968 (1968 block).
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2010, 07:28 AM
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Originally Posted by NJBIGBLOCK View Post
Now that new jersey no longer inspects vehicles for safety ,only for emissions ,does anyone know how this will affect kit car registrations/titling? I am in the process of a build and want to know if the old process will still be in effect. I know their is a bill that is supposed to change kit car registration to "the year the vehicle most closely resembles" for the purposes of safety and emissions , but it seems to be moving at a snails pace through the process. Anyone have any inside information? By the way i have tried calling the state senators and assemblymen many times and i always came up with no real answer from them on the bills progress or when it might become law.
I went thru the process just before the change took place and talked to the MV people about it at that time. They told me that the overall process will remain the same; that is, you will have to go thru the safety inspection and your title will have the current year on it. You will receive a letter when you pass the safety inspection indicating the year to be used for emissions. Then you get your plate and registration, and have to do the bi-annual inspection, and will need to produce that letter for the emissions testing.

As an aside, if you plan to bring it to a private garage and have an older engine, be advised that not all garages are capable of doing older year emissions testing any more, so you will have to call around to find one, or if you are near Princeton, I can tell you where I went.

Best of luck!

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2010, 05:52 PM
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Thanks Guys. Snakebit , you and I are on the same page. I am sick of all of them! The bill i am talking about is a bi-partisan bill and so far has gotten all yes votes. Trouble is , it is moving very very slow to get to a vote and a gov. signature. I was wondering if the bill would be retroactive to previously registered cars but no one i ever call in government can give me an answer and the person who "knows" is always out ! I have a 1970 motor so i should be ok on emissions. If i need any help on that i will get in touch with you Ray. Thanks
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2010, 08:23 AM
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Contacted Steve McDonald at SEMA The bill is A448.
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Quote from Steve " There is no current activity on this bill. I don't anticipate that the bill will move this year. Frankly, I believe we need stronger hobbyist involvement in the state to compel legislators to take action."

They can pass stupid crap like banning the sale of goose liver pate', but can't take the time to pass a car hobby bill. Like I said, what's in it for them?
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