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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2013, 09:46 AM
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Default Ny "sema" ab a06484


Back in early 2008 the NY Assembly was considering a "SEMA street rod/custom vehicle" registration bill A.B. 6484. It appears that it was "referred" to the transportation committee and has quietly died an ignoble death there.

Is anyone aware of any updates on that bill or of similar type efforts to make it a little easier for us here in NY (particularly for us "down-state'rs") to register our cars legally?

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2013, 09:55 AM
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Not the first time...prior "SEMA" bills have died in the Transportation committee.

I have given up... I was an activist on this issue for years. In touch with elected reps about it regularly.

It is just not important to anyone in Albany.

Unless we form a PAC ( ), I have no reason to believe anything will get out of committee.
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Old 01-11-2013, 09:55 AM
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I have been trying to get my assemblyperson (Assemblywoman?) to reply regarding this. I have even written a letter on how it directly inpacts my business as well as the entire specialty car/street rod market which is actually pretty large.

Of course NYS has some other priorities but I really think the way to get it to move is to propose some "fees" for the special registrations. You know how NY LOVES "fees"............
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2013, 10:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Mark IV View Post
I have been trying to get my assemblyperson (Assemblywoman?) to reply regarding this. I have even written a letter on how it directly impacts my business as well as the entire specialty car/street rod market which is actually pretty large.
Been there, done that. Visit the elected reps and kept up a campaign asking for updates.

Basically the key guy was Sheldon Silver. ...good luck with that.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2013, 10:48 AM
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We are in such a niche of a niche that you'll never get anyone to really move on this if it keeps getting presented as a stand alone bill etc. The reason anything was accomplished in regards to this in CT several years ago was due to the wisdom of some lawmaker to include the changes needed in a much larger bill that the DMV gets approved each year.

I guess sometimes Pork is good.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2013, 12:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Cashburn View Post
We are in such a niche of a niche that you'll never get anyone to really move on this if it keeps getting presented as a stand alone bill etc. The reason anything was accomplished in regards to this in CT several years ago was due to the wisdom of some lawmaker to include the changes needed in a much larger bill that the DMV gets approved each year.

I guess sometimes Pork is good.
In addition, when the annual CT DMV Bill mentioned above had a Public Hearing with the Transportation Committee a number of enthusiasts testified in person, including Peter from ERA, and others, including Businesses, submitted written testimony. All of which was personal, not in the petition format and not a boiler plate letter where the hobbyists just signed. A comment made was Legislators viewed favorably hearing directly from the hobbyist, rather than just paid lobbyists. Having a Transportation Committee member briefed in advance and supportive, all added to the success. While SEMA submitted written testimony, the effort and success was primarily from CT hobbyists and businesses involvement, presenting a unified approach.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2013, 01:25 PM
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Originally Posted by computerworks View Post
Basically the key guy was Sheldon Silver. ...good luck with that.
Yeah, "Shelly" Silver, the "Boss Hogg" of NYS politics...if it don't help SS in a direct way, he ain't buying!

I guess I'll take another run at my assemblyperson. I like beating my head against the wall.....
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2013, 01:38 PM
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What triggered this thread was that I was sitting last evening with George Latimer who is now a NY State Senator for the (mostly) eastern side of Westchester County. (As an aside, George and I are members of a service organization that annually runs a car show in Mamaroneck to benefit local charities.)

In 2007 when George was a member of the Assembly on the transportation committee, I had written him at length (which was probably a mistake.. anything longer than one page is not going to be read) about my support for the SEMA bill and my personal experience in trying to get a car registered through the NY DMV process.

I spoke to him about the letter and the bill and he indicated (a PC correct response) willingness to receive a copy of the letter and refresh his recollection of what had taken place now some five years ago with the bill.

George Latimer's District 37 (gerrymandered as only NY can do) can be found at District 37 | New York State Senate

I give the crew over in Connecticut a lot of credit for pushing the bill there and managing to get a public hearing. It would be nice if we could get it that far here, but given the relatively limited numbers of replica car enthusiasts, it will not happen without the hotrod and street rod crowd getting more involved as well. That's what it took over in Connecticut.


PS: ...and the motive to collect sales tax should be more than enough of an initiative alone to at least get us a hearing.

Last edited by Jim Holden; 01-11-2013 at 01:40 PM..
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2013, 11:36 AM
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CT has an organization of Car Clubs: 4C's CT Council of Car Clubs, which helps with a unified approach. In addition to other functions, they actively monitor new DMV & Transportation Bills for the impact on the hobbyist etc - The Connecticut Council of Car Clubs

As an example, a Bill has been re-introduced in the 2013 session: " the bill proposes to increase the minimum age of an antique, rare or special interest motor vehicle from 20 to 30 years " , and " establishing a state wide mill rate for motor vehicles " , rather than the tax mill rate for autos set individually by the 169 towns and cities.

Last year representatives from the 4C's met with the CT DMV Senior Managers to open dialogue and to further explain the hobby and auto interest, inclusive of kit cars/replicas, from the hobbyist's viewpoint.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2013, 08:26 PM
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I realize NY is a much larger state than WA, but 3 factors got our SEMA bill passed in 2011:
1. Bill sponsored by a state senator that is a gearhead.
2. Committee testimony by a custom car/chassis manufacturer close to the state capital that employs 20+ workers. This really had the most weight.
3. Letters and calls by car club members once the bill got started.
Steve McDonald at SEMA was most helpful in writing the bill and working with the state senator at every step.
Best of luck.
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