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  #61 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2017, 04:11 AM
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It seems that almost every California DMV and referee are different on doing this. Up here we all go to a DMV South of here because this one is anti car of any kind and won't even attempt to help you get one registered. In fact if you buy a regular car, Ford, Chevy, or whatever out of state they will run you in circles for hours because it is an out of state car and you should have bought it in this state. Our DMV is so bad that I received a letter with my last registration asking if I would use the one here as s o many people are going elsewhere they are having trouble keeping anyone using this one. Maybe a change of people would help. And another thing is they will drag a 10 minute thing out for an hour or so and I can get it done by driving 30 miles in about 15 minutes.

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  #62 (permalink)  
Old 10-06-2018, 08:01 AM
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I recently heard from another guy who bought a used ERA Cobra from out of state, brought it to California, and went through the SB100 registration process.

For him, the CHP didn't assign a new VIN number - they just went with the ERA number already on the car. I wish they had done that with mine, but they didn't. Just another example of how it changes from place to place and person to person.

His BAR inspection also went smoothly.

But when he went back to the DMV after his BAR inspection with all of his completed paperwork, the guy at the DMV counter asked, "Where is your brake and light inspection?"

Because he had read my posts here, he anticipated that might come up, so he explained that because he had a used car that was previously registered in another state and was not a new build, he didn't need that form - and, in fact, DMV hadn't given it to him as part of the paperwork to complete and return. I am told the desk worker called over the supervisor, and calls were made to Sacramento - and the supervisor told the Cobra owner he absolutely needed the brake and light inspection to get his car registered.

He called me with the update, and I thought he was joking, because of what had happened to me with DMV that I posted here - the desk guy had said I needed the B&L form and was about to send me away, but the supervisor I got at DMV said I didn't need it and got my car registered without it.

I said it might be worth a shot just to go to another DMV and see if they approve the paperwork as is. He said he thought he'd just get the inspection done, to be sure there'd be no more problems.

He emailed the next week:

"Just thought you would love this. So, after interviewing several brake & lamp stations in my area to insure they will pass me without a back-up light, I go in and tell them, 'I'm only here for the certificate, be as brief as you like, the less you do the better.' 5 minutes and $142 later I was out of of there with the paperwork. After stopping at home briefly, I thought 'Hey, it's only 10 a.m., I'm going to the DMV and get this DONE.' So, without an appointment, I headed to Santa Ana DMV. Two hours later (not bad) I get to window 26, hand all my paperwork to the clerk (who said he had prior SB100 experience), and upon review he picks up the small Brake and Lamp certificates and says.......(you ready)...............he says 'What did you need these for?' Kill me now."

Last edited by Cobalt289; 10-06-2018 at 08:04 AM..
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  #63 (permalink)  
Old 10-07-2018, 07:10 AM
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Default Typical of trying to get anything done in CA

Five more years and were out of here!

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  #64 (permalink)  
Old 10-07-2018, 07:35 AM
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As convoluted as the SB100 process may be at some DMV offices, we should be happy that it enables us to own and operate the cars that give us so much pleasure here in the Golden State.
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  #65 (permalink)  
Old 10-07-2018, 11:51 AM
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Why do we need to be happy that our state government "allows" us to own and drive Cobras? Compared to most other states, it's a nightmare. And even in California, it's completely hit or miss, with very little rhyme or reason - more a matter of luck of the draw as to who you get at which DMV counter. When we're happy the State allows us to do something that we all used to freely do, we've lost something. The SB100 numbers aren't even all being used up anymore, so why not just be able to register Cobra replicas smog-free without all the hoops and hassles?
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  #66 (permalink)  
Old 10-07-2018, 12:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Cobalt289 View Post
The SB100 numbers aren't even all being used up anymore, so why not just be able to register Cobra replicas smog-free without all the hoops and hassles?
Because the People's Republic Of California thrives on creating and institutionalizing bureaucracy so they can continue to raise taxes and drive citizens from their boarders.
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  #67 (permalink)  
Old 10-07-2018, 06:34 PM
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Someone mentioned a problem with a Superformance. The only stumbling block in California with a SPF is if the selling dealer supplies and installs the motor. At that point it is no longer a kit, its is a manufactured car, and not eligible for spcn status. Get an engine from another source and you are good to go. Receipts are a must.
The PCV deal catches a lot of people. Hose must fuel type hose, not heater or cool looking clear vinyl or anything else.
Its all about finding knowledgeable people at the DMV and being coached in advance.
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  #68 (permalink)  
Old 10-07-2018, 06:54 PM
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While the SB100 process was an exercise in frustration for many of us, I have to feel for the poor DMV clerk who usually has never been involved in the process before. Figuring there are approximately 180 DMV offices in the state and each one employs roughly 30 window clerks, and SB100 applications now run around 300 per year, means that the each clerk will see one SB100 application EVERY 18 YEARS. How can we expect them to be on top of that game? My advice from my experience is to do what I did. Be as familiar with the process as possible before you start. Make sure your vehicle has been prepared so that it can breeze through everything the CHP, BAR and Brake and Light station wants to throw at it, then set up your appointments so when one is done, the next is right around the corner. Do that and you should be able to knock it all out in under 30 days easily. I'm available to happily help anyone with the process.
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  #69 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2018, 09:30 AM
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Having gone through the SPCNS process several time, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AT THE DMV WOULD SURPRISE ME.
Ron R

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  #70 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2018, 10:18 AM
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We all forget these people in the CA DMV are just there for employment, It is rare (as it is in just about any job) that the person really considers it a "career". I grew up in CA, but moved out of the state in 1989. My kids still live there and I go back to visit.

That said, I think back on my experience with trying to register a car many years ago in the Bay Area, It was a matter of removing my ex-wife's name from the title. I had all the forms completed after prior visits to see what was needed (remember- this was prior to the internet). The ex had signed off and I was in line. I reach the agent only to see that it was one of my little sister's friends back from High school. She actually recognized me first. After exchanging "How have you been, haven't see you for over 10 years" comments", she reviews the papers and tells me that I cannot do this without my ex being there. I point out that I have the needed form that has been signed by her and notarized. She says I still need her there. I go into a tirade at her letting her know that she has become no brighter now then when she was 1 yrs old. Of course she is now mad as well. I demand she get a supervisor over to review the paperwork. She finally gets one to review it. After a bit of time to get one (I am sure she is complaining about my treatment of her) the supervisor comes over and reviews the paperwork. It turns out that I have everything that is needed. The supervisor then try's to dress me down about my attitude.

I go off again. I first explain that I have known the lady since she was a very young girl and have even "babysat" her and she was not the brightest star on the tree then and not much had changed. Plus I reminded them that they were both my employees since I was the tax payer and they the public servants. He gave up at that point arguing with me- realized I would not be changed.

And just to prove my point that she was inept, she mistyped the street address which sometime later caused me more problems.

And Colorado, Illinois & Wisconsin have been the same experience. I could tell even more stories. But the net result is always the same, people working for a living, not careers. They learn the minimum to get by each day for 98% of the tasks at hand and watch the clock for the end of their shift to come without getting fired.

For those rare few that do "above and beyond" this in these jobs, I need not apologize. You know you do better and you are even more frustrated with your fellow workmates then we are. I hope you are the person that helps each of us the next time we ask for your assistance. My Dad always said, if you plan on not doing your absolutely best at your job, you will hate your job and perform poorly. Find something else to do instead of being an idiot standing in the way of someone who cares having that job!

My point is, do not expect the DMV of any state to be competent. its just not probable. Just have more info and records available than they are asking for, expect it to take several trips and never hesitate to ask for ever higher supervisors. Even if it means going to the Governor's office!

It all proves my old saying, "If you do not believe the dead come back to life, be here at quitting time"!
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  #71 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2018, 11:02 AM
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Boy does this line describe our DMV up here.

It all proves my old saying, "If you do not believe the dead come back to life, be here at quitting time"!

They are so bad that a few years back they started putting letters in the registration bills asking people to please use this one as so many were going to other towns they were losing money here.

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  #72 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2018, 11:26 AM
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  #73 (permalink)  
Old 10-09-2018, 03:23 AM
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That pretty much describes the way most people here feel about our DMV.

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  #74 (permalink)  
Old 02-25-2020, 08:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Ron61 View Post
First mistake was going to AAA. We have had three people here do that and they all went through that crap. The DMV here will not accept the
AAA registration. Also use AB1578 which is the addendum written to cover out of state buys. It uses SB-100 numbers and rules but has a couple of things that deals especially with out of state buys. The ones around here that used that and went to the DMV instead of AAA had no real problems at all.

Sorry to bump and old thread, but have a question. Do you happen to know if there would be an issue trying to register an out of state cobra without the build receipts?
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  #75 (permalink)  
Old 02-25-2020, 09:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Andydna15 View Post
Sorry to bump and old thread, but have a question. Do you happen to know if there would be an issue trying to register an out of state cobra without the build receipts?
Short (if trite) answer is registering any Cobra in CA is an issue. Longer answer is it depends--How many miles, how is it currently registered, etc.

After recently completing the SB100 process on my Cobra build I would highly recommend contacting an expert and paying them to help you with the process. PM me if you want contact information.

Last edited by ACHiPo; 02-26-2020 at 10:34 AM..
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  #76 (permalink)  
Old 05-23-2020, 08:18 PM
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Default Similar situation but not successful yet

Registering my used Superformance mk111 in CA from Ohio went ok until The referee decided it was a turnkey car because I bought it complete. the DMV refused to register it. Could you send me the name and/or the phone number of the SPCNS department manager that you talked to to get your car approved?

It appears that she may be the only one who knows the rules.

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  #77 (permalink)  
Old 05-24-2020, 04:25 PM
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When you say you bought it out of Ohio, do you mean from Superforance direct as a complete new car? If so, your are in trouble. If the car has been registered elsewhere and you are seeking only to re-register the car then they are mis applying the law.
I do not know of an individual person in Sacramento anymore. Our Lady of Perpetual Pain is gone. The DMV does have their own internal investigators or some such name that you can turn to rather than some counter person. I have used them in the past.
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  #78 (permalink)  
Old 05-24-2020, 07:34 PM
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Originally Posted by svdriver View Post
Registering my used Superformance mk111 in CA from Ohio went ok until The referee decided it was a turnkey car because I bought it complete. the DMV refused to register it. Could you send me the name and/or the phone number of the SPCNS department manager that you talked to to get your car approved?

It appears that she may be the only one who knows the rules.

What do you expect! You hire clowns, you should expect a circus!

Anyone that one think is not hired! They are trained to expect that each person that comes in is trying to pull a "fast one" and get way with something that is illegal, immoral or fattening, In California, these are is grounds for deportation!
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  #79 (permalink)  
Old 07-04-2020, 05:16 PM
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Wish me luck. I'm about to start this PITA process myself.

I just recently purchased a BDR Cobra (2011 build) that is registered in Illinois. Has only lived in Illinois. I'm buying it from the original owner who had Vintage Motor Sales in CT build the car. I have the IL title, the MOS, the invoice for the chassis/frame and another separate one for the engine/transmission. I believe I have all the boxes checked for everything that is required so hopefully this shouldn't be too painful.

Just to confirm, being that the car has been titled in IL for the past nine years, I will NOT need a B&L inspection, correct?
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  #80 (permalink)  
Old 07-05-2020, 01:49 PM
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You will be asked for a B&L and I believe the DMV SB100 book requires it, regardless of previous registrations. At least that was the case with mine. Save yourself time and grief and spend the $150 so you have everything in order for your final DMV visit. Also don't be surprised if they say you need to have a backup light. Best of luck. Tom W
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california, sb100, smog, smog exempt

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