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04-17-2006, 09:12 AM
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CA reg plans - TOP now, waiting for 2007 SB100
I wanted to post one more time before I go and screw this up. My car should be at home tomorrow
Since I've opted for a Roush 427R which won't pass the sniffer test, and is a new dart block I need SB100 to register the car. My plan is to pay the fees and such now, get a temporary permit (hopefully 2) that will get me through the summer, and then ride out the winter until Jan 2nd 2007 when I can complete my registration.
Please tell me if you see anything wrong with my plan, or any areas that can get me in trouble during my registration process. Here is the outline that I plan on following.
1) Go to DMV submit registration application (form REG343), pay fees and get a TOP that will allow me to visit the CHP. I plan on having the Statement of Construction form (REG5036) completed and with me at this time, but I don't know if they want it at this stage of the process or not. DMV site is unclear.
2) CHP inspection
3) Brake and Light inspection and then complete corresponding form
5) Dec 2 06 make DMV appointment for Jan 2 07
6) Show up at DMV 5am Jan 2. Wait in line for hours, pray, curse, sweat, etc. get SB100#
7) Go to BAR
I'm still unclear where on the registration form to designate that I want to register the car as SPCNS. I will place a phone call to the help line today (thanks for the suggestion Bill) and see if I cant figure that out. In the mean time if anyone knows, please let me know.
Also if anyone sees anything wrong please stop me now
For reference this is the DMV site that I'm trying to follow. http://www.dmv.ca.gov/vr/spcnsreg.htm

04-17-2006, 12:59 PM
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Going to the BAR and failing several times allowed me to return to the DMV and show that I had been attempting to comply with the smog requirements. I received two 60 day extensions to the original TOP. Passed on block year (using smoke and mirrors) before finding out if DMV would give me a third extension. Just my experience, I have no idea if it is universal from DMV to DMV. I'll be in line in January, do not want to have to worry about the smoke and mirrors in the future.
... and when you start your Cobra its inner voice shouts at you "You f***ing assh*le, this time I'm going to kill you."

04-17-2006, 07:33 PM
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SPCNS is going to be the make of the car and the year will be 2006. I agree also that you should go to bar. Make sure you take a long as possible to complete each step and be very nice to the DMV personnel as in the end you need them to like you. I easily got enough extensions to drive from July to end of November last year. The rest of your plan is perfect. I just finished this and am presently waitning on my new title. Good luck and have fun.

04-17-2006, 10:24 PM
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I see you live in Gilroy, have you asked the DMV office there, if they have experience with SB100? I would like to change one aspect of your planning;
#1-make sure you have all your receipts and your forms filled out correctly. I made a visit prior to my appointment to verify their knowledge of the procedures. When the DMV office has a clear understanding of the SB100 procedurers, they will direct you to the next step.
A WORD OF WARNING!!!- "DO NOT", try to argue or vary from the procedure!!! My experience was simple. I think Club Cobra has a archived file of the required steps, if they don't, PM me and I'll send you a copy.
"God saved you by His grace when you believed. And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift from God".
Ephesians 2:8

04-18-2006, 07:47 AM
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Thanks for the replys. I didnt realize that I could go to BAR, trying to pass smog and then later opt for the SB100 route. If nothing else I'll go test out Mr Morgesters theory about a new block the replicates an old one (I'm sure my experience will be the same as everyone else, where BAR doesnt recognize the documents, but it'll be entertaining if nothing else)
I havent been to the Gilroy DMV to ask about SB100 yet, but I do plan on it. I'm hesitant to actually say this out loud, but... <knock on wood> my handful of experiences with the Gilroy DMV have actually been very good. I used to live in San Jose, my experiences there were...well not good.
As for having my receipts thats no problem. Having the forms filled out, and filled out correctly is another matter. I tried calling the DMV helpline yesterday, and got flat out wrong information from the lady on the phone. I politely thanked her for her advice, and promptly tossed my notes in the old circle file.
If anyone kept good notes on how to corectly fill out the forms I would love to pick your brain. Thanks again for the help.

04-18-2006, 09:11 AM
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I think Morgesters theory is wrong but best of luck. Given his logic sex with a 14 year old girl would be legal as she is merely a newer example of a 28 year old. The way the law is written and intended you have one option with the block you have chosen to use. That said if you can convince the BAR your block is "pre-smog" you might have a chance.
As for the DMV there is no standard for "temporary" permits. They are under no obligation to issue one. I suggest smiling and looking humble.
One enterprising young builder I know started a car dealership and got his dealers license from the DMV and used his dealer plate on his car.
A man that is young in years, may be old in hours, if he have lost no time. But that happeneth rarely. Generally, youth is like the first cogitations, not so wise as the second. For there is a youth in thoughts, as well as in ages... Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626)

04-19-2006, 11:08 PM
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I can tell you I bought a previously owned and titled car from the state of Nevada. The Calif DMV was happy to take my money, send me on a useless trip to the CHP vin office who said I need an SP100 number to get a new vin plate. This was in April two years ago. As I returned to the DMV empty handed, I was told I could drive the car home and keep it on my driveway until the new sp numbers were issued. No temporary registration would be issued. I could not even transfer my name onto a new pink slip. I could not even sell the car. I got a refund on my DMV fees. and stomped off pretty discusted. That folowing Jan. 1st I was at the DMV with 4-5 other guys trying for the sp numbers. The DMV superviser was cool and tried to process all of us together which regiured her to phone our applications into Sacramento. Busy, busy busy. After waiting for a couple hours she said we could go and she would phone us when she got through to them. She had an employee at the phone redialing for hours. At 11:30 she called and said I got a number and to come back to her office to finish the process. That was the easy part. My number was 274 out of 500. After that the CHP and Bar were easy too. Titled on body style not block, that's important if you have a newer block. The BAR issues a sticker saying the car is exempt. I was told by the Vin officer at CHP DO NOT try to get a smog test before your SP100, you do not want to get into the system until you have that number. I would say to be at your DMV office before they open on the first day of the year, regardless of your appointment time. The numbers will be gone fast. Good luck! It's worth it and very satisfying to know you can drive your car legal.
Classic Roadster
Silver no stripes

04-20-2006, 01:19 PM
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Thanks for the reply John,
This is one of my main frustrations with the CA process. It changes dramatically. From my research (and I pray I havent screwed this up) the process you decribed WAS the way things were. If I have done my homework most of that is no longer accurate. The SB100 is now only looked at once you visit the BAR. Before that step no one seems to care which method you are using to get through SMOG.
I do have another somewhat urgent questoin. I'm supposed to go to the DMV later today. On the Statement of Construction form it asks.
Engine Year Model:
Is this the year of the block? Does anyone know exactly what goes in this field? Help please. I called the DMV helpline and they are....well less than helpful.

04-20-2006, 03:30 PM
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Well I went to the DMV and got my TOP
Here is my new concern. The DMV didnt charge me tax  I asked the lady if I was supposed to pay tax now, or after the registration was 100% complete and she said she didnt think I had to pay tax beyond whatever I had paid for the parts.
I told her I hadnt paid tax on any parts as they were all out of state. She asked the other DMV worker at the counter who also said that I should not pay attitional tax.
I didnt want to be argue with them, since I need them to be helping me, but I was pretty sure that I do in fact have to pay taxes. Anyone have suggestions how to fix this?
I plan on going back to the DMV several times (TOP extension, VIN number in the computer, etc, etc) and I'll just keep asking unless someone can tell me how to fix this. Or for that matter do I need to fix it? I'm pretty sure I do. The last thing I want is some beurocrat pulling my registration because the DMV worker didnt know to tax me. 

04-20-2006, 04:07 PM
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I would not worry, if I were you. You have the correct and honest intention, and I have a feeling that at some point during the process, someone will say, "Gee, you're right, I can't proceed with processing your title until you pay the proper 'use tax'. Did you bring your check book today? Oh my, this is a rather large number..." 

04-21-2006, 09:26 AM
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Dlang, I assume you have a newer block year model. In my case I have a '64 block. The guy at the BAR knew without me saying anything I wanted to go by body style which is '65. This way I can use any engine and stay exempt. As I understand it, if you try to register by engine year you have to have an approved California engine even if it's of a vintage year. I'm not sure how to answer your question regarding how to fill in the form...maybe just leave that part blank and see what happens. I would lean heavily on the side of using '65 as the year though. That way your smog should be exempt. Putting it another way...The DMV won't be looking at your casting numbers. The CHP maybe but I doubt it. The BAR officer will just be excited to process a *****en car, he is not the enemy. Play a little dumb and just give them what they ask for. And remember they are people just like we are, except they have the most boring job in the world. Their line of uptight customers never goes away, day after day. So be nice and show some patients and bring a picture of your baby to show them what exactly a Cobra replica looks like. Most don't know. Good luck!

04-21-2006, 12:38 PM
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Yeh. The tax thing happened to me also. DMV said all was well (locally). Months later I got a bill for my taxes due to DMV. Hang on to your money until DMV comes a knockin'.

04-21-2006, 04:19 PM
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Don't even waste your time trying to use 1965 as the year, that will backfire and they will pick it up at a later date, if they even take it to begin with. The car is a 2006 Spcns. The smoging by the body will not even come up if you go in with an SB100 number next year. For now you can go to the BAR as a way to try and get more TOP so you can drive the car for awhile. You may get lucky and find a BAR that will let you use the replacement engine explanation, didn't work for me but getting the SB100 was easy in Marin, they knew all about the process and were very helpful to the 5 of us who showed up. Good luck and don't worry it will all work out in the end.

05-17-2006, 02:19 PM
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I have just purchaed a cobra from out of state (TN ) I will soon be going through the registration process as well. I also would like any information to help this process to go smooth.
I have a few questions right off the bat looking at the DMV website..
Where in Southern Ca can I get a official brake and light adjustment certificate?
Also where can I get a weight certificate?
Thanks for the help.

05-17-2006, 07:07 PM
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You will not need to weight the car, California doesn't require weights. If you go to the Bureau of Automotive Repair ( BAR) you can get a link to all the shops in your area that do brake and light tests. Everything else you need is already posted in this thread. Good luck, it's not as hard as everyone says but it does take time and patience.

05-17-2006, 07:57 PM
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Originally Posted by stevem
You will not need to weight the car, California doesn't require weights. If you go to the Bureau of Automotive Repair ( BAR) you can get a link to all the shops in your area that do brake and light tests. Everything else you need is already posted in this thread. Good luck, it's not as hard as everyone says but it does take time and patience.
Hi thanks for the feedback. I was just going by the DMV's site
http://www.dmv.ca.gov/vr/spcnsreg.htm where it says:
A weight certificate for commercial vehicles weighing 10,000 pounds or less.

05-18-2006, 11:27 AM
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You have got it straight. The key to getting more than 1 TOP is to make the CHP appointment as close to the end of the 1st TOP. Then return to the DMV and tell them CHP hung you up and you still need the brake and light and the smog. Be nice and they will give you another TOP.You can go to BAR ( I did) just to see how they operate, you will waste $75.00 as you will be a gross polluter and will be missing all smog equipment. If you go and fail you might get a third TOP if you tell them you are trying to make the car pass smog.
As for the registration it will be a 2006 SPCNS, good luck .

05-22-2006, 07:58 AM
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Thanks SteveM,
That's basically my plan. I got my VIN last week and my first TOP expires at the end of this month. Add on top of that I'm traveling and it's pretty easy to say I didnt get it all done during the first TOP.
Jeff/2L8IWIN -
Unless you plan on doing some taxi work or furnature deliveries in your Cobra you wont be registering it as a commercial vehicle and won't need the weight certificate.
On a somewhat related note - Gilroy CHP was the nicest bunch of folks I've ever had the pleasure of dealing with. They were exceptionally careful of my paint and very respectful of my car while installing my VIN plate......

07-27-2006, 09:32 AM
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Just to clarify, again, when coming from out of state, once I go to the DMV to surrender out of state plates and registration, do I go to the CHP to confirm VIN before the Jan 2nd SB100 ordeal?
Alan Sorkey
Shreveport, LA, soon to be Chico, CA.

07-27-2006, 10:50 AM
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I wouldn't surrender my out of state plates... But to do so is a violation of California law. Yes you would need to go to the DMV and begin the process before attempting to apply for an SB-100 exemption. The two while seemingly related are very separate transactions. You may find it helpful to do this after it starts raining here. In Chico that means November. Doing so will limit the time you are in limbo, maybe operating on a temp. permit, maybe not. Our temporary operating permits are good for a very limited time and up to the DMV you choose to use. You might go in ahead of time and ask the friendly info babe at the counter how long they generally grant them. Best of luck!
A man that is young in years, may be old in hours, if he have lost no time. But that happeneth rarely. Generally, youth is like the first cogitations, not so wise as the second. For there is a youth in thoughts, as well as in ages... Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626)
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