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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-25-2006, 06:32 PM
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Cobra Make, Engine: B&B, 1969 392w, Tremec TKO
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Question Custom/Street Rod bill for New York?

Has New York state ever reconsidered the Custom/Street Rod legislation that has passed in several other states? Last time I heard mention of in New York was a couple of years ago.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2006, 05:13 PM
JCoop's Avatar
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Default It must have died...

...but I think it's time to again write your congressman about it. I plan to contact mine. Actually, as I see the current process required for proper VIN number assignment and registration, it's pretty much in place. The registration is by the year of completion, and the emissions requirement is based on year of the engine. (Crate motors are considered replacement motors so i.e. a 351W will qualify as a 1965 replacement and a 460 as a '68-'72 replacement).
I wonder if there was a "form" letter from constituents before Cali's SB100 was passed.
In speaking to a politician type, I actually liked his view in that the spirit of the law is simply to expedite identification of a vehicle for law enforcement and anti-theft crime purpose; so, a Cobra replica should be registered as either a '65-'67 as it most resembles that particular car, and a quick visual reference would confirm that it does look like one. He said that in an accident or crime scene, a vehicle described as a "65 or '66 Cobra would immediately give a visual ID or imprint rather than a "2005 Custom".
New York

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