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  #101 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2008, 04:30 PM
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Location: Waikoloa, HI
Cobra Make, Engine: Street Beast "Grabber Orange"/Silver stripe w/418W 520HP full roller, T5. and: Backdraft #814 RT3B "Black Label" "Magic Black"/Sterling Grey stripe, 408W, full roller, 475HP, T5
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Hello all, I am the one who started this discussion about the Florida 1966 titled Cobra replica. I was going to NOT bring the Florida titled Cobra into California mostly due to what Mr Morgester has told me (both here and in private email conversations). I was instead going to purchase a California car but it was NOT the car I wanted and it was NOT what I wanted to do! Now I find that Mr Morgester is perhaps behind the curve it seems on current Florida law and revisions, which is not surprising since he works for and in CA, not Fl..
In light of the evidence just brought forth here about the revision to the Florida vehicle codes I am going to withold my decision on the cars in question until I actually SEE a copy of the Florida title and have assurance it is a valid and legal one and in line with the current Florida law revision.
If I find it IS I will buy this FL. Cobra replica which i prefer and I will register it in CA as a 1966 model year (which is what is stated on the FL. title). I'll keep all posted on what I find, what I do, and what happens when I do it.

Last edited by donraye; 06-09-2008 at 11:06 PM.. Reason: spelling errors
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  #102 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2008, 04:35 PM
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Mr. Morgester, as it concerns closing the 'loop hole' of Calif recognizing a title from another state as a 1965 vehicle (thus no emmission testing), perhaps it's NOT a 'loop hole'? Perhaps, as other States have determined, it's quite logical and reasonable as it concerns replicas. No need to spend money on legislation, it's a well written law as it stands now!
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