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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-17-2007, 03:44 PM
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Default Oregon DMV, CMC mess!

HI All,
Just got back from Florence Oregon DMV.....OHHHHH!!!!!!
It seems that Classic Motor Carriages saw fit back in the 90's to MSO thier "Kits" as body kits even though the frames were included. They also dated the kits as 1993 cobras. It is almost impossiable to to get the DMV personal to understand that it is a '65 Cobra Replica not a new '93 cobra.

Anyone have any suggestions?

They also threatened to register it as a newly manufactured 2007 cobra as that is when it will be finished.

They also demanded a VIN inspection but there are no numbers on the frame.

I think I can use the Oregon replica definations to call it a 65. I even have a '66 289 in it for emission correctness. (no emission test)

Anyone else have problems in Oregon?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2007, 07:12 PM
rattlesnakepete's Avatar
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I have mine registared as a 1965 Cobra Replica. I also got the SP plates because most of my driving is on the track. This is nice because it only has one plate as opposed to having two plates ( front and rear) for none-SP applications. Read the restrictions of use for SP plate and see if it applies to your use.

If you do not have a VIN for your kit DMV will assign one. You will likely need a vehicle inspection if you do not have a VIN. No big deal if your car is put together well.

That particular DMV office has coped an attiude with you and or your car. I would not go back to that one. I recommend finding another is a similar small town. Stay out of the bigger city DMV's. I went to the Dallas DMV. They were friendly and helpful and I was done in no time.

Which by the way was very fortunate for me as the weather was becoming very bad and I need to get my little queening home and under cover!
Way to go Roscoe
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2007, 07:29 PM
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Have you considered contacting Street Beasts (was CMC) Customer Service (888-888-6645) to see if they can help you with a corrected MSO? They may say they don't have an obligation to CMC, but you never know.

Good Luck!
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