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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2009, 05:22 PM
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Need to contact the senator or rep. that sponsored this bill and request they amend next year to allow conversion. Another year wait but if it works...
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 12-08-2009, 02:33 PM
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At the rate the CT DMV moves, my car will be old enough to get vintage plates without the ammendment.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 12-23-2009, 09:04 AM
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Just an update to the discussion.

We transported a vehicle to the inspection lane today and successfully passed inspection. Prior to the inspection form B-269 Inspection Report was properly filled out as:


This was accepted by the cashier and paid for. During the inspection process, one of the inspectors changed the year to "2009" and on the subsequent ASSIGNED PERMANENT VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER PERMIT H-5 they entered "09" under Year.

This of course is in complete contrast to the current law in effect since 10-01-2009. I have a call into the Lieutenant that oversees the inspection department. He has been very helpful in the past and I believe the confusion today stems from his absence.

Hopefully we will know more on Monday (while DMV counters are closed the inspection/safety dept. is open).
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2010, 01:29 PM
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Default Meeting with Tax assessor

According to my Town's tax assessor, there will be no $500 max value for any Cobra replica if it is not an original more than 25 years old. He referred me to section 14-1, definitions, of the motor vehicle code which defines a special interest vehicle as follows:

"Antique, rare or special interest motor vehicle" means a motor vehicle twenty-five years old or older which is being preserved because of historic interest and which is not altered or modified from the original manufacturer's specifications.
The wording in the changes in PA 09-187 read as follows:
"Except as otherwise provided by the general statutes, property subject to this section shall be valued at the same percentage of its then actual valuation as the assessors have determined with respect to the listing of real estate for the same year, except that any antique,rare or special interest motor vehicle, as defined in section 14-1, as amended by this act, shall be assessed at a value of not more than five hundred dollars".
It goes on to say that if a vehicle as defined by 14-1 does not have antique plates you can get the $500 limit if you prove to the assessor the car as defined by 14-1 meets that definition. Cars with antique plates do not need to prove that the car meets the definition of 14-1 if it has antique plates.
In summary, no antique plates, no $500 limit.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2010, 01:58 PM
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Just received my "supplemental" tax bill, since I registered the car in July 2009 the bill shows the car assessed at a 25% pro-ration of $7,880 @ 26.5 mills a wopping $209 tax. Looking forward to that amount quadrupaling this July when i would have had the car registered for a whole tax year.

I called the assessor to find out how the assessed value was determined she told me that they go on the internet to determine value, assess and then leave it up to the taxpayer to dispute if it is too high. In fact she admitted that they lean on the high side, it then depreciates 10% a year. So after 10 years I guess I will not have to pay anymore.

Fantastic I say, my neighbor with the $100,000 '69 camaro is only paying $186 a year. No one going on the internet to see what that is worth. Consistency is all I ask. I bet though that had i waited till after October and gotten the year on the title to say '66 composite i would have sneaked by.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2010, 02:19 PM
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CT is NOT currently titling our cars as 1966/1965 or whatever. They are NEW composite cars, titled as the year it was first registered. It was supposed to be ammended, but as of yet has not. Time will tell.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2010, 06:34 PM
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Originally Posted by ZOERA-SC7XX View Post
CT is NOT currently titling our cars as 1966/1965 or whatever. They are NEW composite cars, titled as the year it was first registered. It was supposed to be ammended, but as of yet has not. Time will tell.
Not so fast... working on it.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2010, 06:55 PM
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Default BAR. What To Expect?

I will be taking my 351c in for an inspection in a couple weeks and was hoping to get some info as to what I might need. I plan on just installing a PCV and also running a hose from the other valve cover to the air filter. Can I expect any surprizes. The Cobra and I are in So. California.

Last edited by springin; 01-07-2010 at 06:58 PM..
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2010, 01:35 PM
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It's been awhile since reviewing the topic , my thoughts/recollections are subject to other's opinions/comments and most importantly the actual experiences.......

The DMV law change for the $500 assessment was not intended to apply to the make name of Composite. The $500 max was first initiated by the rod community, CT Council of Car Clubs, and prior to a number of individuals/businesses from Club Cobra seeking Composite emissions exemption. RENEW1 had the initial emissions exemption Bill submitted which was then incorporated into the annual Bill for DMV changes. The 4c's then supported the emissions exemption as well as Composite model year registration.

The rod owners had altered original manufactured cars, but had not obtained the Early American plate. One of the reasons for the change was the inconsistent approach by the Town Tax Assessors when applying the $500 max value. There is a CT Tax Assessors Association that has discussed the topic, in the desire for consistency.

It was also mentioned application of the $500 max for those qualifying required an in-person visit with the Tax Assessor, not automatic from the tax/registration data base.

The year cut off to obtain the Early American plate is 20 years old, model year|41827|

(Vehicle must be 20 years or older)

The intent by having Composites registered as the year the model the vehicle most closely resembles would, hopefully, achieve the same result, by using the year of either 1965 or 1966 and submitting proof, i.e. pictures, etc verifying the Composite was styled the same as the original. Applies at the time of new registrations after 10-1-09, the 20 year requirement would be met to obtain the Early American plates. In theory, once having the Early American plates, the make name of Composite would qualify for the $500 max

I had a conversation with the LT ( do not have a name ) responsible for the Inspection Lane at Wethersfield in mid to late Oct/Nov and he assured me that new Cobra Composite registrations, 10-1-09 and later, would receive the 1965/66 Model year, make remaining Composite and the Model would be Cobra. The LT emphasized the DMV law change was not retroactive. Also, any new Composite registrations after 10-1-09 that did not have the 1965/66 model year could be changed if the year of registration had been recorded as 2009 or later, and initially registered after 10-1-09. The wording of the DMV law change in the Public Act for Model year registration did not allow for retroactive changes, unknown whether the retroactive option was or was not discussed, or an oversight.

An option, for anyone registering after 10-1-09 and not having the 1965/1966 model year on the registration is to call the Inspection Lane at Wethersfield and ask for the LT that is responsible for the process and discuss the topic.

If anyone wishes to research Public Act 09-187, some of the relevant sections:

Key Definitions: Subdivision ( 3 ) of Subsection ( a ) of Section 14-1
Subdivision ( 49 ) of Subsection ( a ) of Section 14-1

Key Statutes: Section 14-20

Regarding the Property Tax Limit: Section 12-71 ( b )
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2010, 07:27 PM
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Did you speak to LT. Frank Baio?
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2010, 07:55 AM
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" Don,
Did you speak to LT. Frank Baio? "

I do recall the name, but the transfer from my initial phone call came from the DMV Commissioners' office, mentioning, " I will transfer you to the LT responsible for the Inspection Lane " or similar words.

Would like to add, it was a positive conversation, as I was seeking clarification regarding Model Year registration implementation.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2010, 08:47 AM
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If it was a positive conversation and they were responsible for the inspection lane it had to be Lt. Baio. I should be meeting with him this week to close the loop.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2010, 11:30 AM
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The Feb edition of the 4C's ( CT Council of Car Clubs ) hard copy newsletter contains comments regarding Composite Model Year Registration. When the newsletter is available on their web site, I will post the link.

I will be advising the Vice Chairman and Newsletter Editor, both of which have contact with the lobbyist, of the points regarding Composite Model Year Registration contained in this Thread. A number of these were mentioned at the Dec/Jan meeting. If anyone has recent experiences, pro and/or con, please post and I will include in my summary.

For the 2010 CT General Assembly Legislative Session, the 4C's have again retained the lobbying services of Carroll Hughes at a cost of $3,180, representing the interests of all the auto enthusiasts. Membership is available on an individual basis as well as being able to contribute additional funds to defray the operating expanses.

4C's Home:

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