It was with grave disappointment that I did not see one single Road serpent at the Fling. I was really looking forward to seeing this incredibly designed car with all the new adhesive technology.
Although I'm sure I saw the president of the company there. I believe he was a passenger in a black cobra. This person was extremely elusive. At no point could I get him corraled for questions about his product. I also thought I saw a person with similar looks headed for the lake at the Fling wearing a leopard
colored speedo. I was unable to confirm any of these sitings to be the president of Road serpents. Many attempts were made to contact the company but all I got was some lady named Dora taking messages.
I think somebody better get their customer service act together
before I lose all interest in the Road serpent.
Hey, those ERA's are lookin' pretty good !
I did manage to get a picture , but I still can't verify if this is the president of RS in the passenger seat.
A disappointed future customer,