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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-20-2008, 10:27 AM
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Default 2008 RUN N GUN NATIONALS-Recap

The 2008 Run N Gun Nationals were a huge success. From the sold out manufacturers spots to the sold out garage spaces, we all had a great time. For the first time ever we had a banquet that was deserving of the event and we gave away some great prizes and we even raised almost $15,000.00 for Operation Comfort. Thanks to all that participated and especially the guys from Mongoose who bid $2500.00 on a Nascar package and then a passing of the hat among the members at the banquet raised another $2500.00 which was all matched by Jay Nordstrom. Yes, that only ads up to $10,000.00 BUT we had some very special people that wants to remain annoymus that made up the additional $5000.00.

We had two major magazines present, and several freelance photographers that snapped more than 8000 photo's during the four days. Many of these photos will be available for viewing in the next few days as well. I am told some are so good you can see the rubber build up in detail on some of the noses of the cars. If you didn't make RNG this year you MUST put us on your calendar for next year. The tenative dates are October 9-12, 2009 and next year will be even bigger with some really exciting coverage by one of the major networks. In fact a series of shows are being planned to air in sequence regarding Run N Gun Nationals. Make your plans early and check out our home page over the next few weeks to see all the pictures as they are posted.

Thank you everyone for your support, and remember we do take into consideration any suggestions you may have.

Thanks again,

Clois Harlan
Sunshine, Asphalt and no stop signs...Perfect

"Let's roll"

"Be part of Something Good
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-20-2008, 10:29 AM
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Oh yes, our web site is:

Clois Harlan
Sunshine, Asphalt and no stop signs...Perfect

"Let's roll"

"Be part of Something Good
......Leave Something Good Behind!"
from CD "Long Road Out of Eden"
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10-20-2008, 03:11 PM
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Default Great job guys,your the best!!

WWooo Hooo that was fun!!Ready to do it again??
I agree Life is way to short to worry about gas milage.Other rides Crewcab Super Duty F350 Ford,Shlby Charger,66Mustang/Frankinstang,Chevy Van,KTM Dualsport,FFR Daytona Coupe SOLD... RUN N GUN 06,07,08,09 Hallet 09,
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 10-20-2008, 04:24 PM
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Default You should be PROUD

Clois Harlan and friends, This was the best R&G I have been to. I have been going since 93. Every one got plenty of track time, a couple of cars got nicked but repairable. The 4 days went off without too much trouble, we only used 1 mulligan on wednesday. The biggest thing was the Dinner. The food was great. Operation Comfort and the donations that came in where 50% more than last year. I had a job this year and donated myself. The money doesn't say enough to these soldiers that protect us and defend this country. Jay may have to come out of semi retirement and go back to work now that he is feeling better. We did miss some of the crew that had come many years before. Lew, Bob S, Randt S, and hoping maybe next year they will return. I came away with new info on motors and racing from the day of meetings. Again a great job. Hersch Bird the skirts where the best ever. I don't know how you are going to top this??? Rick L.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2008, 05:27 AM
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I want to echo Rick's comments. 2008 Run n Gun was a blast. Next year I hope to have a car built before I get to the track! Thanks to every one that stopped by and gave support. One observer, John Sutton, seeing me working feverishly offered to help by using a file to make a hole in a piece of aluminum so that I could mount a water temperature gauge. This was the only gauge that I had time to install! Thanks John
I know that there is a lot of interest in what the winnning times were for the events. Yes, I want to do well to show that my chassis designs work well. But, the reality is that there is a huge disparity in how cars in even the same class are set up, in drivers ability, and in how hard a driver wants to push it. The only way to truly know if one manufacturers design is better than another is to set up the cars with the same power, same tires, ect, and have a test driver run them. The main focus should be and is on fun and getting to meet and make new friends. Way to many people were running over their heads this year and the number of accidents show it. The potential for a serious accident is high. All of us participants need to build our cars as safely as possible and drive them with in our limitations. I am guilty of wanting to do better and better. But, as I have gotten older I find that I start thinking of all the things that could go wrong as I am coming out of of the banked NASCAR turn 4 onto the front straight. Pictures of my wife, children, and grandchild started flashing through my mind and I found myself slowing down a bit.
Every body be safe, See you next year!! John
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2008, 05:38 AM
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Dean and I have discussed next year running two caution laps in each session before noon since that is when the track, tires, and our heads are most vulnerable. Anyone on the track with me in the morning sessions probably passed me for a couple of laps and that was because my tires took a couple laps to first get round again and second to get a little sticky so I could hit the marks at speed. I think a mandatory two laps under caution in the morning should help everyone get ready for some hot laps if they want.

Sunshine, Asphalt and no stop signs...Perfect

"Let's roll"

"Be part of Something Good
......Leave Something Good Behind!"
from CD "Long Road Out of Eden"
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2008, 01:23 PM
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Wink Gap Gap Gap/And Everyone has ther own reason for being ther

Ok thats fine then an RPM limit and or speed limit should be set to maintain the Gap so we dont get bunched up and have a Nascar start,I am one that likes to get going the Hoosier A's gt to temp very Quikly,the solution I found was to get to the front of the line and be ready to go when the session started then I didnt have to worry about passing so much,until I found I was running fast enough to catch the end of the group coming out,sorry thats when I came up on you and couldnt figure out why you were going so slow on line.MyBad my old racer habbits tend to get the best of me.So 2 laps sound right.But we had the discusion at the drivers meeting about getting up to speed on pit road everyone needs to do it the same to maintain the (GAP) and it should work......On the in over your head part that John stated ok were on a track Racing the clock (Not Each Other)we know the risks when we go out aka. (Waiver)we are going to push our own limits,the cars limits with this kind of event its the Nature of the event to find your limits.I think this was the fist year I didnt spin Thank the lord above I never hit anything but Im a Racer and thats the risk im willing to take.Each year I have cut 4 sec+ off our best time of the previos year im sure thers a diminishing return at some piont but thats why im ther to find out.The people the parties the fun is all just iceing on the cake.You as a manufacture have your reasons for being ther and I respect that its all soo cool and thats part of what makes this event so great...WB3
I agree Life is way to short to worry about gas milage.Other rides Crewcab Super Duty F350 Ford,Shlby Charger,66Mustang/Frankinstang,Chevy Van,KTM Dualsport,FFR Daytona Coupe SOLD... RUN N GUN 06,07,08,09 Hallet 09,
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2008, 04:35 AM
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Hi Bill, Didn't mean to come off sounding like a preacher. You are a racer and you come prepared. Your car has a full roll cage and racing seat ect. You compete at other events. Alot of the cars are not set up like that. Alot of drivers don't have any the experience you do. How many cars did you see that the drivers head was above the roll bar? Yes, we all need to take responsibilty for ourselfs.
I am barely a manufacturer. I never intended to sell cars. I build them for myself and I have sold some to people that like what I did. I attended the event before I built my own car in a kit that I built. I would attend it even if I wasn't a manufacturer because it's alot of fun and I get to pit next to great people like you and your wife!!! By the way thanks for the use of the air chuck!! Have a great one, John
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2008, 05:57 AM
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SCCA begins every Practice/Qualifying/Race session with a "warm-up" lap under full yellow, so that the drivers can warm up their tires, check the track for issues, double check turn-in & breaking points, car feel (brakes, steering, suspension, gauges, etc.), tighten seat & shoulder restraints, and then one should be ready to focus on car control.

We didn't experience any roll-overs, thank God...but, John C. is right. There should be at least a one inch space, between the top of the roll bar in a line to the next forward chassis/roll cage point, over the driver's helmet.

Clois, I agree...two full yellow laps with the flagging stations controling the car gaps makes a lot of sense. It should result in a safer track experience, less mechanical "FUBAR"/accidents and more FUN!
FFR Daytona, 2010 Corvette ZR1, '12 F-250 Turbo-diesel,
"Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest!" Mark Twain
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2008, 06:18 AM
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We will be fine tuning these things over the next several months to make this event safer and hopefully more fun. We are even looking into a Demonstration Manufacturers 20 lap Race during lunch on Friday. This would allow those manufacturers whose cars are SCCA Approved and drivers that are licensed to put on a demonstration race for the rest of us.
Sunshine, Asphalt and no stop signs...Perfect

"Let's roll"

"Be part of Something Good
......Leave Something Good Behind!"
from CD "Long Road Out of Eden"
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2008, 02:19 PM
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Good idea on the Demonstration Manufacturers 20 lap Race

but ..........

I'd guess that by about lap 2 it'd be a Manufacturers 20 lap Race.
Pull a gear .... drop the hammer .... and enjoy the Drive !!
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2008, 03:00 PM
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Congratulations Backdraft.....

Not too bad for a low end, low quality, dimensionally incorrect roller kit.

Class Champions:

4/6 Pro Chuck Spera -WCM Lotus 7
BB Manuf Pro Tony Martin-Backdraft Cobra
BB Prepared Bill Hughes-FFR Daytona Coupe
BB Pro Doug Peterson - Dorando
Manuf GTP Pro Aaron Quine-Mongoose
P/A Prepared Kevin Bolton-WCM Lotus 7
P/A Pro Dave Williams-FFR Cobra

TIE P/A Street Jared Timmerman-Stalker Lotus 7
P/A Street Mike Fisher-Stalker Lotus 7

SB Prepared Hershel Byrd-Roaring Forties GT 40
SB Pro John Meyers-LS1 V8 Lotus 7
SB Street John Schoech-Backdraft Cobra

TIE BB Street Bill Frimpter-ERA Cobra
BB Street Bill Swendsen Backdraft Cobra
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2008, 03:20 PM
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and there is even a NZ built car in there
Pull a gear .... drop the hammer .... and enjoy the Drive !!
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 10-23-2008, 11:10 AM
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I would like to point out that Clois and I are making some changes to the results this week. We have made a few mistakes but nothing that would effect the great show from Backdraft!
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 10-23-2008, 02:31 PM
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If I was going to do it overagain tomarrow I would pick a BDR handsdown from the results I saw on the track .VeryFast very safe.Gonna make a Coupe??
I agree Life is way to short to worry about gas milage.Other rides Crewcab Super Duty F350 Ford,Shlby Charger,66Mustang/Frankinstang,Chevy Van,KTM Dualsport,FFR Daytona Coupe SOLD... RUN N GUN 06,07,08,09 Hallet 09,
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 10-23-2008, 04:32 PM
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Originally Posted by dlampe View Post
I would like to point out that Clois and I are making some changes to the results this week. We have made a few mistakes but nothing that would effect the great show from Backdraft!


It would be terrific if you could list out the type of car, the make and the motor. It would give us some real data to argue over!

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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 10-23-2008, 05:08 PM
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We can give you some general info but we don't have that kind of detail about all the cars. We should be finished with the changes soon.
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Run & Gun 2003 - 2013
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 10-23-2008, 05:24 PM
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Originally Posted by WildBill3 View Post
Gonna make a Coupe??
Keep your eyes peeled...
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 10-23-2008, 07:11 PM
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Hey Bill, I love the Daytona coupe too! I like all of the different makes of Cobras, GT40's, and Daytona's. I believe that all offer something a little different. I am sure that the Backdraft car will be first rate. The SPF Coupe is gorgeous, the FFR is a great value and well built and soon there will be a Chesnut C5 Corvette based Daytona Coupe. I used Shell Valleys Midstates body on my new Cobra. I am using their Daytona Body. My Daytona uses the same chassis as my Cobra but with an intregal roll cage. Since my body is just a skin, the body slides right over, roll cage and all. I think that the Shell Valley body is gorgeous. It has the original 90 inch wheel base. My chassis design makes the footboxes and cockpits large enough for big drivers like me! I think the combination of my chassis combined with the great suspension, brakes, and differential of the Vette will make for a great handling and performance package. I'll try and have it at the event next year! John
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2008, 05:06 AM
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Lightbulb Your the man!!

OOOOOO man that will be cool.You do all the Neat stuff,I missed the TBucket this year I showed several of my freinds that hot rod last year.I think your on the right track using the Corvette underpinnings what great proven parts all wrapped in classic chassi's.I would really like to see at least one of the Draggons with Hooseirs A6's on next year for a true side by side shoot out on the road corse your guys would like the grip alot better than the street based tires. You have Ausome Cars and your a great example to all of us,to Never give up.I loved your story It should be a movie,Keep us tuned in on your Coupe...WB3
I agree Life is way to short to worry about gas milage.Other rides Crewcab Super Duty F350 Ford,Shlby Charger,66Mustang/Frankinstang,Chevy Van,KTM Dualsport,FFR Daytona Coupe SOLD... RUN N GUN 06,07,08,09 Hallet 09,
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