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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2017, 10:37 AM
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Cobra Make, Engine: Scratch built Chassis - FFR Body
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Default Engine Position

Ive picked up the project started from 63Mercury of a scratch built cobra.

I was just about to fasten the body down, and was checking the wheel gaps, and header clearance when I determined the headers would not come out the openings in the body! There are many threads on this, but are mostly from full kits with all the mounts already in place on the frame. The body seems centered on the wheels, birdcage fits well, front and rear all look good.

It appears the engine needs to move rearward about an inch. Ive checked my driveshaft and looks like it will be ok to move the trans back and still have clearance into the trans (9" rear, T5, 302).

Im looking for a reference dimension for the engine in the frame to see where it should be. Does anyone have one?

Need to have some place to start - ideally a reference from either the front or rear wheel centerline to the engine mounts. Engine currently has the mustang hinge type motor mounts (as opposed to the stud mount).

Thank you
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2017, 04:24 PM
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Cobra Make, Engine: FFR Challenge Car, RDI aluminum 427w
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I don't think there is an absolute proper dimension for the fore/aft location. I'd consider what you want it to do. What you'll use for headers. Where it gives you the front/rear balance you want. Available space in the engine compartment. Certainly there are more variables to consider.

All references are based on the 351W. Using the sidepipe cutouts (not an absolute themselves but a starting point) a Superformance car locates cylinder 6 (one back from the front) in line with the cutout. A Factory five car moves the engine back so that cylinder 5 lines up with the cutouts.

A friends Backdraft is located similar to the Factory Five but I didn't look at the pipes when I saw it last night. Another friend's car places cylinder 7 mostly in line with the cutout but this is a long wheelbase car.

Note: these aren't exact measurements but used to show differences.

Hope this helps rather than confuses.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2017, 05:06 AM
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427s had the bellhousing 2' 8.5" from the front axle centerline. (825,5 mm)
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2017, 09:25 AM
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Location: Ann Arbor, MI
Cobra Make, Engine: Scratch built Chassis - FFR Body
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Thank you, I will use these as a reference and see where I am. My car is a mixture of quite a few, so there are some good references provided.

I am running a 302, T5. I have F5 headers and body, so looks like I need to move engine back to align cylinder 5 with the cutouts.

Has anyone used the adjustable motor mounts? Ive seen these used on Mustangs, but did not see any discussion of them on a cobra. I will have to re-do the mounts on the frame side regardless of what direction I go, but the adjustable mounts may give me some additional flexibility.
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