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Completion car serial #'s
If we intend to document ALL the "completion" cars, somewhat political decisions need to be made first. Realizing my views may not coincide with the SAAC view of things, let me continue...
Arguably, there are THREE sources of cars that could be called Cobras:
1. The very contentious and CA illegal cars that Mr. Shelby tried to fob-off as "original" chassis numbers from AC Cars limited, serialized as CSX's, which were really created from new stock by McCluskey during the early ninties and sold mostly into Japan. These are well documented in the SAAC Registry, complete with limited histories.
2. The actual and very few (four) CSX 30XX SC cars fabricated in the early to mid nineties by AC Cars Limited, whilst owned by Brian Angliss, which i have documented here previously. These four cars are documented by various AC Clubs in GB and Club Cobra individuals that know both the current owners and their histories.
3. The rather obscure and not well documented series created by AC Cars Group Limited in the late nineties, under the ownership of Alan Lubinsky as Director, after "his" purchase of the original AC Cars Limited (GB) assets, including the logo and AC Cars name. This group of cars, quantity unknown for sure by me, include some that have had serial number changes to satisfy various import/registration requirements and preferences. i would recommend caution presuming that these cars, including some that may have been completed under the much later company AC Cars Limited (Malta), are legitimately actual Cobras, since the moniker was removed from AC Cars Group by FORD when AC Cars Limited (GB) was de-registered in the UK's Company House. They may very well be legitimately AC's, from the later company(s), but not Cobras.
Admittedly, some of this is arguable depending on whose oxen are being AlGored. But, i have tried to be as fair and objective as i can muster; though i do have an interest in the subject beyond mere curiosity. (Check my photos above) Personally, i will restate that i think anything that looks like a Cobra, is a Cobra in some real sense, but realize many will disagree with me. That does not mean i really think they are "real", but essentially real.
Many many of the knock-offs have been and still are much better than the originals in many ways, though they may not command "real" market values; nor should they.
For particular interest, i think that no Kirkham-built car is less well-built than the very best from any AC works, new or old. In many real and practical ways, particularly regarding contemporary improvements, precision fit, finish and driveability, the current cars are very much better than the originals. Today, they are clearly near-perfect and fully worth their prices either new or used, as time will confirm. They are simply breath-taking when seen in the metal. Did i mention that they are also very light???
But, i am still of the view, held by Peter Brock, that without all the wonderful and even the less-than-perfect plastic clones built during many of Shelby's empty and disinterested years and AC's very sparse productions, the clones kept the Cobra faith and spares market alive. We and Mr. Shelby owe them our gratitude.
So, to the point, be cautious about presuming the Lubinsky cars are "real" Cobras. But, they may be found very close in some fabrications.
Further observe that there is a certain duplication of CSX cars between the Shelby/McCluskey line and the Angliss series from AC Cars Limited (UK). These include at least CSX 3056, 3057 and 3058. i am less certain about 3071, since i do not know if Shelby actually made one, but if so, it duplicated the AC Cars Limited (GB) chassis.
Just one chap's opinion, mind you.
"A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government."
George Washington
Last edited by What'saCobra?; 04-21-2010 at 08:42 PM..