Is there anything you need to watch out for or ensure when using an MSO to get your first title to make sure it gets registered as a 1965 Ford ( as I think all continuations are). I'm in Florida and we have a pretty easy registration procedure but wanted to ensure it didn't get "replica" or any something else snuck in there.
Cobra Make, Engine: 70 Shelby convertible, ERA-289 FIA, 65 Sunbeam Tiger, mystery Ford powered 2dr convertible
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Originally Posted by E5USMC
Is there anything you need to watch out for or ensure when using an MSO to get your first title to make sure it gets registered as a 1965 Ford ( as I think all continuations are). I'm in Florida and we have a pretty easy registration procedure but wanted to ensure it didn't get "replica" or any something else snuck in there.
It's not rocket science, go to the Florida DMV web site and read the instructions. Download and fill out the forms specified, take your MSO, along with all receipts to the appropriate office, pay your taxes, and walk out with plates.
Yes, in Florida, it really is that simple.
As for wanting it to read 1965, that will be up to the interpretation of the Florida laws on the books as of today, and not yesterday. Again, yes it is that simple, and you should not even think twice about getting your car on the road.
If you are one of those people who wants the bragging rights for those uniformed to ask "is it real" (do a search of this forum and see the Ad Naseum on the subject) so you can answer, "yes it's a 1965, see, look at the registration", then you bought the car for the wrong reasons.
Bill S.
Instead of being part of the problem, be part of a successful solution.
Cobra Make, Engine: Sold - Shelby Cobra CSX6045, 468 ci all aluminum Shelby engine
Posts: 370
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Originally Posted by E5USMC
Just want the title correct.
Define "correct." You don't have a 1965 car. What each state considers "correct" varies. In my case correct means it is identified as a replica but all the inspection and emission benefits of a 1965.
There's a box on the Florida form that says "REPLICA" and "KIT CAR." Make sure you don't check "THOSE" boxes, because you definitely don't want your REPLICA and KIT CAR to be titled as a REPLICA or KIT CAR.
Cobra Make, Engine: CSX #4xxx with CSX 482; David Kee Toploader
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If it is a CSX, then it will clearly show date of manufacture on the MSO.
Why so many folks get hung up on having their registration call it a '65 when it's not is beyond me. Trust me, it won't fool or impress anyone here! As others have said, just follow your local DMV rules. Also, in many states you need to have your big stack of receipts showing all the parts used to complete the roller.
All that's stopping you now Son, is blind-raging fear.......
If it is a CSX, then it will clearly show date of manufacture on the MSO.
Why so many folks get hung up on having their registration call it a '65 when it's not is beyond me. Trust me, it won't fool or impress anyone here! As others have said, just follow your local DMV rules. Also, in many states you need to have your big stack of receipts showing all the parts used to complete the roller.
As the OP said, he/she wants to make sure it gets registered as a 1965 Ford, be 1965 Ford because that's how "all continuations are." You know, since "continuations" are in a different class of Cobra, since they're the only Cobras built in 2016 that can be registered as a 1965.
The OP doesn't want his/her Cobra to be labeled a "replica." The MSO says 1965 so it's a 1965.
Lol.... Not trying to fool or impress anyone with a CSX4000/6000 being a real 65 Cobra.... It isn't. Just wanted to ensure I got the title correct as that can mean a lot to a future buyer. I'm new here and certainly appreciate the info and assistance but no need to be rude to someone just learning his way about owning CSX car.
Lol.... Not trying to fool or impress anyone with a CSX4000/6000 being a real 65 Cobra.... It isn't. Just wanted to ensure I got the title correct as that can mean a lot to a future buyer. I'm new here and certainly appreciate the info and assistance but no need to be rude to someone just learning his way about owning CSX car.
Thanks again.....
Your choice of words. Not mine. A few others had the same reaction, not just me. You said you don't want your car to be titled with the word "replica" when in fact, it is, and there's a box for "replica" on the FL title application that should be checked. The question is, will you check it?
And to the best of my knowledge, ALL Cobra replicas (FFR, BDR, KMP, SPF, CSX) have 1965 on their MSO, not just "continuations."
What I have learned is that what it says on the title has little or no relevance to the actual, real car it purports to represent.
FWIW, your title may say "1965 Ford", but if I purchased it from you and registered it in my jurisdiction the registration would identify it as a "[Year of Manufacture] Replica / Kit Car" - the authorities make the decision as to what it says, not me. IOW, if it was built this year it would say "2016 Replica / Kit Car".
Lol.... Not trying to fool or impress anyone with a CSX4000/6000 being a real 65 Cobra.... It isn't. Just wanted to ensure I got the title correct as that can mean a lot to a future buyer. I'm new here and certainly appreciate the info and assistance but no need to be rude to someone just learning his way about owning CSX car.
Thanks again.....
It DOES mean a lot to a future buyer, especially from certain states with emissions and other registration tax implications.
Cobra Make, Engine: CSX #4xxx with CSX 482; David Kee Toploader
Posts: 3,574
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Originally Posted by E5USMC
Lol.... Not trying to fool or impress anyone with a CSX4000/6000 being a real 65 Cobra.... It isn't. Just wanted to ensure I got the title correct as that can mean a lot to a future buyer. I'm new here and certainly appreciate the info and assistance but no need to be rude to someone just learning his way about owning CSX car.
Thanks again.....
No one here trying to be rude. Stay with us and you will learn!
It's a tough crowd at times, but a bunch of good folks.
Welcome aboard and good luck with your car. Which is it? a 4000 or a 6000 series?
All that's stopping you now Son, is blind-raging fear.......
What I have learned is that what it says on the title has little or no relevance to the actual, real car it purports to represent.
FWIW, your title may say "1965 Ford", but if I purchased it from you and registered it in my jurisdiction the registration would identify it as a "[Year of Manufacture] Replica / Kit Car" - the authorities make the decision as to what it says, not me. IOW, if it was built this year it would say "2016 Replica / Kit Car".
And no original Cobras were properly titled as "Ford", they should be "Shelby" although some did end up as a "Ford" (usually because the DMV got a pile of applications from the Ford dealer and the clerk just automatically put "Ford" in for make. I sold a new Jeep that got titled as a "Ford" this way!)
Not a Ford and not a 1965. However some states are now doing the SEMA thing and titling as "year and model of replication" so a "1965 Cobra" can be done.
"I'm high all right, but on the real thing....powerful gasoline and a clean windshield..."
In MN, they don't give a rip what the title says - they will accept any state's title as is for the most part and continue with a new MN title stated identically. Same goes for the VIN. The only thing that matters is the the 1st 4 digits (1965, 1967, 2016....) If over 20 years old you don't pay tax and don't need annual registration tabs if you register it as a collector vehicle. That's a BIG deal when buying prospective cars - at least here in MN.
Yeah... I've seen/read where some CSX 4000/6000 cars are titled as "65 Cobras" and some are titled as "65 Fords".... I meant to put that in my original post as I was confused as to what was really correct . Not here to get involved in a "is it real or replica debate". Everyone has their opinion and they are welcome to them. I always felt continuations are Shelby Cobras and year made.... I.e. 2016 Shelby Cobra
It's a 4000 series car but haven't completely closed the deal. Hopefully this week.
Nah... Take more than a few tool bag remarks, although I'm sure great guys, to run me off. I just bite my tounge and move along since I'm new and see no sense in alienating myself out of the gate..... Maybe later !!!! : )
Cobra Make, Engine: 70 Shelby convertible, ERA-289 FIA, 65 Sunbeam Tiger, mystery Ford powered 2dr convertible
Posts: 12,745
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Originally Posted by E5USMC
Yeah... I've seen/read where some CSX 4000/6000 cars are titled as "65 Cobras" and some are titled as "65 Fords".... I meant to put that in my original post as I was confused as to what was really correct . Not here to get involved in a "is it real or replica debate". Everyone has their opinion and they are welcome to them. I always felt continuations are Shelby Cobras and year made.... I.e. 2016 Shelby Cobra
It's a 4000 series car but haven't completely closed the deal. Hopefully this week.
Nah... Take more than a few tool bag remarks, although I'm sure great guys, to run me off. I just bite my tounge and move along since I'm new and seen no sense in alienating myself out of the gate..... Maybe later !!!! : )
Please tell me this is not the incomplete car in NY that has been listed on Ebay for the last two years
Not many other CSX4000 series cars still on MSO these to take care before spending your hard earned money.
If the car was previously titled and the owner still has the MSO, the VIN will already be in the system which all states now share access to. Make sure before you purchase as I know of two "new owners" that did not like the way their CSX4000's were titled and attempted to retitle as "1965", only to spend 10's of thousands of dollars in legal fees to keep their car out of a Federal/State impound yard
Bill S.
Instead of being part of the problem, be part of a successful solution.
Nah... Take more than a few tool bag remarks, although I'm sure great guys, to run me off. I just bite my tounge and move along since I'm new and see no sense in alienating myself out of the gate..... Maybe later !!!! : )
Nice to know that I have been elevated from "rude" to "tool bag."
Yes, no sense in alienating yourself out of the gate. Nice start!