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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-24-2004, 04:27 PM
csx csx is offline
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Default wash state title and register?

Hi, I'm new here but not having my car. I have a 4000 series shelby I've had on the road for over 2 years using trip permits. I would prefer to title my car as a "65" but it is a repro obviously, I've been told If I bring it in registered from out of state maybe it would go through.

But I would like more input on this and maybe something better than a maybe, I mean I've read that some places involved in titles and registering are getting busted for it. Washington state has no special rules for repro stuff as far as I know. I don't care about the cost, just want to do it right so I don't have problems later.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-24-2004, 07:02 PM
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I'm trying to research the local rules for the same reasons you are. I understand the "collector car" classification may allow this but am not sure. The main adavntages for this clasification are no emission rtesting and no requirement for a front plate. Sounds good to me..but do we qualify if the car is recently constructed? Badger
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-25-2004, 09:20 AM
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Badger &csx

The bottom line in this state is your car will be titled as the year its constructed in. When I got my car it had a title from Fla as a 1966, with a stroke of a pen the great state of Washington made it a 1996. Some cars have the collector plates because they were built prior to the law change. Starting on Jan 24 2005 you will have to provide your primary resident address for vehicle registrations. This will prevent you from using some one elses address. This state has you coming and going. Just take your car down to WSP have it checked and go get the plates and enjoy it. There are ways of getting around the emission testing but I won't post them here.

SPF 158
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