I can appreciate the budget restraints!
You've got to buy the Complete Guide to Cobra Replicas available at the
I am a realist and I think it wise and responsible to factor in your cost when deciding on a kit.
I purchased a Shell Valley kit. Their products have improved greatly! I am completely satisfied. Two reasons that weighted heavily on making my decision, no donor parts and at the time Shell Valley was giving you a chassis at no charge! I saved $2000. I suspect many manufacturers will discount their kit upon your asking, but you will have to investigate this yourself.
Here's the scoop. My total cost, about $24,000. Total time to build a touch over three months.
I have copied excerpts from some of my previous posts responding to similar questions.
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"This is probably the most difficult question to answer. I've done a lot of research before and after I purchased my Cobra kit.
The absolute first place to start is to buy the "The Complete Guide to Cobra Replicas" and read the 10 rules. You can find the guide at
How one prioritizes what he wants and expects varies from buyer to buyer. For myself, I didn't mind doing some engineering and fabrication. This afforded me considerable savings. Some guys would rather pay the extra and not have to bother with it.
If I had to do it all over and money was no object (read $55,000 big ones! less engine and tranny) it would be without a doubt a Kirkham Engineering Kit.
Check it out here These guys have an all aluminum body with exact replica parts of the original."
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***** Allow me to add a few remarks about the kit *****
I did my homework before deciding to purchase with Shell Valley.
The experts tell not to solely consider price when deciding on a manufacturer. While this is true, I am a realist. I found Shell Valley to be modestly priced (especially if you get in on one of their promos). Of course you can spend a whole more money on some of the other manufactures kits, but that doesn't mean you will necessarily get more. The choice has to be yours.
Their standard body is rock solid, I could imagine what the Kevlar is like! I could honestly say that there appears to be no skimping. I understand they are working on new body molds. You might want to look into purchasing the kit with a body from one of these new molds.
Please feel free to email me at my home if you have any questions.
Paul Campanale