08-14-2001, 02:00 PM
CC Member
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Brandon, Fl,
Posts: 160
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Info Thanks
Thanks for your return reply on my G'ville inquiry. I'll check the club forum you suggested and look into "my nearest cobra cousins" in my locale. Talk to you later.
Thanks for the additional info with CaptainJacks. Also for the good wishes on my FIA. I notice that you have an Everett-Morrison. I bought a frame from E-M 15 years ago, and started to put together a Cobra at that time. Their shop was located about 2 miles from my office, so I stopped by often. Well, it seems that my bride thought that my two infant boys needed everything available in the world in which to spoil them with at that time, except for a Cobra! Man, how many times has this story been written! Well, now my boys are 15 and 16, and my bride thinks that "we guys" need a project to bond by. Hey, who am I to argue with the mind of a woman. She suggested that we build that Cobra that dad always wanted- go figure. Being the good boys that we are, we took mom's advice and researched current snake habitats. Because I intend to drive the car regularly, the choice narrowed to an FIA, and then Unique. As for who is going to build it, Unique is going to do lions share. My boys and I will disassemble, prep for paint, tweak chasis and mechanical, and reassemble. Picture it now. The 15 year old with a philips head, over riding the screw, and customizing the show paint, while my 16 year old, backs the chasis out of the garage in order to get a better angle on that frame bolt, and reconfigures the trunk assembly. Life is good. Mike, thanks for the nod. I'll stay in touch.