Here's an idea that will make the adjustmnets easier in the future.
When I built my motor and got the cam broken in, I adjusted them hot to the cam card specs. Then I let the motor cool overnight to room temp and measured and recorded the clearance cold.
Now when I do an adjustment I do it cold to these measurements.
I found that with aluminum heads and .018" of clearance hot, that they measured .011" at room temp, so I just reset them to .011" cold.
I beleive this to be an even more accurate procedure. I can take my time and not have to rush due to the parts cooling down.
Trying to adjust them hot, you can end up with some variation between the valves you adjust first and those done last.
As far as noise, they do get noisier when hot but that's part of the "character" of these things.
Keep in mind that if you have iron heads, the clearance will likely be greater cold than hot, whereas with aluminum heads and/or block, the opposite is true.