Yet another question due to yet another probem. Spring must be here.
Yesterday, the car ran fine. Today, I installed a
oil re-route line. To do so, I had to R&R the fuel pump to gain access to the
oil gallery plug.
After driving the car for about 20 minutes, it started acting up. At first it would just die while coming to a stop. When turning it over it would take a while to begin firing and restart.
That sympom disappeared and was replaced by a medium rpm, approx. 3,000, stumple or hesitation. If parked, the car would die. If moving slowly, it would cut out and die. Above 45 mph, even at highway speeds, it would still do it, however, after initially cutting out, it would begin intermittantly firing. This would slowly increase until it was running fine again. I believe the engine was actually maintaining revolution because of the forward movement and having the transmission engaged.
I can't tell if it is starved for fuel or if I am loosing spark, or what. When I finally got back home, I lifted the hood and increased the rpm's by pulling back the throttle lever at the carb by hand. I have a see through fuel filter. The entire time as I brought it up to 3,000, the filter was full. After about 20-30 seconds, the car began cutting out and then died. All the while the filter canister was full.
Temp today is approx. 83 with 50% humidity. Car is running approx. 200 degrees coolant temp.
Any ideas on what the problem is? Any suggestions on how to fix it?