in my stroked Windsor, running with the
oil cooler hooked up, using AN 10 lines, and a high flow Canton
Oil Filter (filters all the
oil all the time), i put in a Melling hi-volume pump, it has a modification to the pressure release spring. It has a set screw adjustment, so you can dial up or down your pressure within limits. Of course, you have to take off the pan to do so, but you can get to it with an allen wrench without taking the pick-up off. I screwed it in another turn, and get about 55 psi hot at cruise, say 180 degree oil, and 2000 rpm. I have run this since new, now have about 40,000 miles on my engine, and no change in the pressure.
I run 10-40 winter, (or what passes for winter here in upstate SC) and 20-50 Redline in the summer. I unhook and bypass my cooler using AN 10 lines, and it gives me about 3 or 4 more psi.
My suggestion, is that if you intend to run your cooler hooked up, you use the hi-volume, and if not, then the standard volume pump would likely be fine. Running more than necessary oil pressure or volume is wearing on your distributor gear, and takes a small amount of power. Remember, pressure is a function of oil volume and oil flow resistance. I take my engine oil pressure right off the engine block. This is what i did, and am happy with it. You can call Melling for the number of the adjustable oil 351 pump.