10-09-2002, 08:41 PM
CC Member
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: northern san diego,
Cobra Make, Engine: classic roadster, 302, dual carbs
Posts: 24
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thx for the input.let me try to put this a differant way. the ignition switch has 10 connections. 5 next to 5. as it is sitting in the car the line on the right(passenger side) sarting from closest to the firewall.first and second power all the time 3,4,5 power during running. turn to start and all go off.now on the left. 1,2 on only when running 3rd and 5th only on when starting and 4th only while running. I have 4 wires 1 main power 2 accessorie power 3 to remote starter and 4 to the coil.
I had the car running with the switch not in place.(just used my hand and a hemastat) car ran fine. revved it up (of course!!) and blew the 20 amp fuse i had put in as the fusible link. didnt want anything frying!!!!! so I replaced the fuse with a 40 and thats when I didnt have power to the ignition system anymore.Now I have moved the wires around so much I dont remember how i originally had them. when I turn the ignition switch the fuel pump and all the gauges spring to life. but when I turn the switch to start everything but the starter goes dead????!?!?!!?
ok any hints
p.s. I checked the fusible link connection and its good otherwise the stater wouldnt turn over right? right? ahhhhhh I'm goin nuts
Last edited by cobracosta; 10-09-2002 at 08:44 PM..