03-06-2003, 07:12 PM
CC Member
Join Date: Mar 1999
Location: TACOMA,
Cobra Make, Engine: Everett Morrision FE 427 so 2-4s
Posts: 2,025
Not Ranked
I went off and bought the Summit 5x7 cylinder in polished aluminum.Haven't figured where yet. It came with two aluminum washers that have one side ground to fit the tank which has internal threads. Mounting should be easy just where is the question.Why would anyone with one of these cars ever think it is ever completed?
It started w/ getting intake pressure tested and milled to get some hood clearance ,then a engine rebuild with a list of parts replacements,next the dash is rusting under paint, windsheild is wrong angle for new convertable top and side curtains , how about a heater defroster and of course heater is vacum operated, wiring is a tangle, master switch is hard to reach- instal new Flaming River switch,Fuel pumps are acting up (takes both to supply engine probably tired of bypassing) Rear end leaking still, wife wants a nicer interior just sent seats to brother whos roomate is an apolsterer (enough ERs?)dont forget the windsheild tensioner.Ihave a hundered other related todos
I wonder if I'll ever get back on the road. Thanks for the overtime.
Mike H