06-26-2003, 12:06 PM
CC Member
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: so cal,
Cobra Make, Engine: I used to fix them for a living
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Smith's tach's don't have the same failure rateas their other gauges,I have never replaced asmith's tach, but dozens of their temp and pressure gauges. I am betting on a poor connection, a lot of guys just use those clamp-over-wire jumper connections for the tach wire, not good. Do you have an MSD box? If so, it could possibly be your tach adapter or inline capacitor, if you have those. Bad tach is possible, but I would rule out the other possibilities first.
In a fit of 16 year old genius, I looked down through the carb while cranking it to see if fuel was flowing, and it was. Flowing straight up in a vapor cloud, around my head, on fire.