There were a lot of great cars, and a number of Cobras at the inaugural 2010 'Rolex Monterey Motorsports Reunion' (the first year since the 'Historic Races' have moved to a new venue). The show was very similar in format and I would bet most folks noticed little if any changes overall, nice show!
One of the many cars that caught my eye, was CSX2289.
There were no signs or placards near the car, so I don't have any 'official' information as to the exact history of the car. However, based on a few casual conversations, here is what I am led to believe.
The car was parked in 1975, then registration paid for 76 & 77. After that, the car just sat for over 30 years and was recently pulled out of storage ( barn / shed / garage ) and it's pretty much as found.
From what I could tell, some hoses, the fuel pump, radiator and battery were new, the rest looks like it has not been touched. Based on the license plate, I would guess it was licensed in late '64 to early '65, which fits well with the date listed for the car in Trevor's book (see page 267):
16.1.64 AC ACE COBRA CSX2289 Bright Blue Red Trim
Have not seen many cars with the COBRA radio and there is an antenna on the right rear fender. Evidently there was some carpet on the transmission tunnel, not sure what the black stuff is, that's on there now. Even the tires are 'as old'. The number is pretty neat as well ... #289 for a 289 !
If it was my car to take care of ... I would change all the hoses, belts, tires and fluids to get it road worthy, and just leave the rest alone.
Overall a pretty neat car, below are some photos.
Enjoy ... tkb289