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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 05-02-2016, 02:06 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: Memphis, TN
Cobra Make, Engine: SPF#1867 , KC427
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Just wanted to provide an update. The sensible side won out for the time being. I ordered a polished Victor Jr. intake, Quicktime bellhousing and polished Edelbrock water pump today from Brent to round out the items I needed. I figured that when we pulled the motor it would be a great time to replace the existing water pump that is 12 years old......I also looked into having my existing Victor Jr. manifold polished but it was within $100 of buying a new one so I ordered a new one and will sell the one on the car now as it is not ported. We will give this cam change a shot and then worry about more power down the road. I will update the thread as we start the tear down which I hope is in July when it gets really hot and muggy. The cam that is coming out is .576 lift with duration at 252INT / 262 EX with 112 LSA and it was all installed at 112 on 0 slot. The new cam is .580-590 lift with 244 INT / 248 EX with 108LSA at 104 ICL. Brent says this cam should peak around 6000rpm vs the current 6900rpm Wish a guy luck!
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