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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-03-2004, 01:18 PM
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Cobra Make, Engine: Lonestar / 408W Stroker
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Unhappy 408W Alum or Iron ?

I have a 1969 351 Stroked to a 408.
Should I run Alum or Iron heads. If the Valves, Intake and exhaust are the same, other than weight and Cost what is the differents?



Lone Star LSC427, Speed-o-Motive 408 Stroker
2005 Ford SD 6.0 Harley Davidson /Super Chip 425 HP
1975 24' Campbell V-Drive / 1963 427 Ford
2000 Prowler 32' 5th wheel
And the Harley pulls them both to Lake Havasu
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-03-2004, 02:11 PM
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Main difference is with aluminum heads you can run more compression in your motor and usually depending on the head itself,usually port/polish aluminum heads out more to flow better than iron heads,usually,depending on the head itself.......With that said,at the 40th Mustang bash in Nashville,I noticed the top cars in the Vintage class were mostly running Roush iron heads,these are "race only" motors and most if not all were strokers,mostly 347's......

I prefer aluminum heads for the compression/light weight and they generally flow better than iron heads out of the box (depends on head manufacter again),also can be repaired if damaged and right now they are not that much more than iron heads in cost.......

All depends on your budget and what you plan to do with the car,if is a street car,iron heads will be just find,if you plan to do any racing, I would look into aluminum heads........

Just my .02 cents and I am by no means an expert on heads,just my opinion.............

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-03-2004, 02:30 PM
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Default AFR205

I also have a 408W and used AFR205 heads.
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