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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 05-23-2005, 05:45 PM
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I know plastiguage is "controversial" at best and YOU know how difficult it is for the "occasional" builder to read the mic's with good accuracy. I don't use it by itself, I use it to double check my work and always encourage others to do so. There is no reason at all that the plasti shouldn't fall well within range IF you have measured correctly to begin with.

Gessford's I'm not, but George was most helpful while supplying not only parts for my build but excellent technical advice along the way. And my hats off to Neil, engine assembly man, Gessford Machine for his "Marvel Mystery Oil" piston assembly tip, which also created some "controversy" during the build.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 05-23-2005, 07:52 PM
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Interesting thread here over at the Boss 302 Registry on cams.

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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2005, 06:18 PM
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Getting ready for final assembly now. Lots of Steel everywhere, internals of the oil pump looked like they had been dragged down the highway behind a truck, Cam bearings were probably OK but the first and second bothered me so I had them replaced. #1 and #5 cylinders were pretty nasty as they had the most crud splashed on them in the front sump Windsor. After consulting a machinist I had the two bores slightly honed. Same Pistons same rings, they weren’t seated and they still even had the paint on their faces, gaps went out to .019/.021 and .020/.024, Had been about .018/.020 originally, .025 is loose but I think I can live with it on one ring. #1 and #2 main bearings were a little bit scored and the rod bearings were probably all right but were replaced anyway. Crank appeared perfect when miked, had a few visible scratches but nothing that could catch a finger nail or take copper off a penny. The motor would have made a great anchor had it run much longer. Anything I'm doing strike anyone as foolish?


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