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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2005, 10:21 AM
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Default flywheel and balance

Forgive my lack of knowledge here but I am wondering just what I need.

I have a 351w that has been rebuilt and balanced before assembly. Do I still need a 28oz. balance on the flywheel or do I go to a 0 balance fly?

I ask this because I was looking at an aluminum fly and they wanted me to specify what balance, 28 or 50 so they could include the weights. Then I saw another aluminum fly for a zero balance. With a balanced rotating assembly do I go with a zero balance flywheel or stay with a 28oz?

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2005, 11:19 AM
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Unless the balancer did a zero balance (usually more expensive because of the addition of metal) you would need one of the other two. That is determined by the year of the reciprocating assembly. They changed in the early 80's.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2005, 04:18 PM
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You need to talk to the guy/shop that rebuilt the motor and balanced it and see what it was balalnced at,more than likely 28 or 50 oz,but you never know,it may have been 0............whatever weight it was balanced at will determine you flywheel........when my rotating assy. was balanced at Keith Craft's shop,they provided me with three or four "spec" sheets giving all weights,balance numbers,date they did the work and tech that actually did the work signed the papers,they also had the part numbers I think for the crank/rod/pistons/rings/bearings,very helpful if and when I need to freshen up the race motor..........

BTW; mine was balanced at 0.........had to have my 28 oz. flywheel re-balanced to 0 balance which KC did also.........

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-20-2005, 04:07 PM
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Default Re: flywheel and balance

Originally posted by AMiller

Forgive my lack of knowledge here but I am wondering just what I need.

I have a 351w that has been rebuilt and balanced before assembly. Do I still need a 28oz. balance on the flywheel or do I go to a 0 balance fly?

I ask this because I was looking at an aluminum fly and they wanted me to specify what balance, 28 or 50 so they could include the weights. Then I saw another aluminum fly for a zero balance. With a balanced rotating assembly do I go with a zero balance flywheel or stay with a 28oz?

You go with the crankshaft, which is probably a 28oz. But if you use a Fidanza Aluminum flywheel you get the wheel a 28 and a 50 so you have all the flexibility you need.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 07-20-2005, 04:28 PM
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you go with 28 oz for 351 Windsor motor
to go with 0 you have to have an expensive crank, u cannot do it with your cast crank
the harmonic damper on the front will be 28 oz and your flywheel will be 28 oz
you will use the clutch and pressure plate up to 1985 mustang
i.e. a 10" if mating this to a t5 or tremec tranny and you can buy the normal kit for about 130 or the kevlar for about 300. the kevlar is not very street friendly but is bad to the bone at the track.
you don't need a zero balance unless you are doing a gt40 and have to use a porsche or audi flywheel for the transaxle
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