11-15-2009, 07:20 PM
CC Member
Join Date: Jun 2005
Cobra Make, Engine:
Posts: 3,077
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As you can imagine I cannot leave well enough alone. True my temp hangs around 82C but stopped at a light for long time and it will climb to 100C and the radiator fans kick on which cools the engine temp to 98C and then the kick off . I found one fan is actually enough to maintain any temp. My plan is to wire one fan to come on at 92C (196F) intake manifold temp and leave the remaining to come on at 100C (212). This will minimize thermal cycling, just like in your everyday car, wow, that would be nice. Now the stock switch is located in the radiator and comes on at 92C (196F) and off at 87C (186F). Please remember this is in the radiator, the engine cooling temp is in the intake manifold. That is why I get 100C on engine temp before the radiator kicks on at 92C. My plan is to look for an empty port on the intake manifold and buy a switch and wire it to one fan. Then one fan kicks on at 92c off at 87C. The other will kick on when the radiator gets to 92C. Switch is only about $17.00, wire to rerun existing power to new switch $3.00. Total mod $30.00 and my engine coolant temp will be as stable as any car and at the correct temp. Guess the next time I will need to spend $50k on a roller to get this technology.
Option b, just unplug the cold leg of one fan and run one all the time. with one fan running you do not even notice a blip in the amp gauge. If for some strange reason you get in a hurrican evacuation line for 4 hours, jump out open hood and plug other fan back in. LOL