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10-12-2015, 10:02 AM
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Quieting Down the Beast
So my pencil neck neighbor stopped me yesterday and complained of my car being too loud...I responded that it doesn't seem to me to be much louder than the 737s that fly close over head or the local rock band that fires up sundays, or the dog that starts barking like a rooster at 5 am EVERY day...But in any case i am pretty sure this pr*ck is going to get up to something at the next HOA meeting so i need to quiet the thing down.
What smokes my a$$ is that i am religious about IDLING out of our cul-d-sac and NEVER running between about 9pm and 9am, and rarely drive the thing during the week at all. Not like i'm hooning around sideways with dogs and kids diving for cover.
What about shoving a couple of these in?
Dynatech 772-32520, Dynatech Vortex Insert Cones | Dynatech
I would love a system i could shove in and take out a couple blocks from home...
I've actually actively queried my IMMEDIATE neighbors about if i was disturbing them and they said no you seem to be considerate about when and how you drive your silly toy. (This guy lives down the block).
I don't know, i guess throwing down for a $10k a month house payment to live in this sh*thole that is the SF bay area, i would also feel empowered to ***** about some a$$hat in a silly loud car too...Just like I do about barking dogs and rock bands.

Superformance 1764
Built 427W
Aiken SC USA

10-12-2015, 12:02 PM
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Tell him that they are legal pipes.

10-12-2015, 12:17 PM
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I used to live in a neighborhood that sounds like yours.
What I used to do is fire up the Cobra with the garage closed and immediately open the door. This deadened the initial 'boom' at startup.
I would talk to your neighbor in a friendly, passionate [about your car] and compassionate manner. I have a feeling it will disarm him a bit. A lot of people are just looking for things to piss them off and a loud shiny car is just the thing to do it. 

10-12-2015, 12:59 PM
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Originally Posted by rodneym
I used to live in a neighborhood that sounds like yours.
What I used to do is fire up the Cobra with the garage closed and immediately open the door. This deadened the initial 'boom' at startup.
I would talk to your neighbor in a friendly, passionate [about your car] and compassionate manner. I have a feeling it will disarm him a bit. A lot of people are just looking for things to piss them off and a loud shiny car is just the thing to do it. 
Funny I do exactly that (startup with the garage door closed) do the initial 1500 rpm foot high idle (no choke holley 850), then just as I am starting to see my ancestors, open the door and roll out by gravity...I hold that same idle while slipping the clutch out of my L shaped cul-de-sac, using the handbrake to slow...
I agree with your approach, there is nothing worse than being at war with a neighbor...My job in heavy construction is contentious and combative enough for me, I don't need to come home to opponents as well...
The guy is a poufy douche but well within his rights to expect quiet in this relatively upscale neighborhood. Just because i think a big block running alomost open pipes sounds cool, it may be akin to modern rap "music" to him.
Letting trivial things like this get under your skin is how you end up on an episode of "cops"...
I will ask the guy next time I see him when it really bothers him to move the car, it is my hobby and as such it is a bit extreme but given what it could do I am actually very restrained, but can try harder.

Superformance 1764
Built 427W
Aiken SC USA

10-12-2015, 12:08 PM
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Like Madonna and and Glass Blower....... Wouldnt have that problem in Texas! It is a classic car and this is how they were built. You cannot change that..
Taking from Bill Cosby.....Tell him to have a a Coke and A Smile.... Oh well I guess its OK a Quaalude too!
In Texas... we'd say F off!

10-12-2015, 12:53 PM
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why not adapting something, what is already used for Harleys
like this :
just an joke

10-12-2015, 01:20 PM
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Originally Posted by tortuga
So my pencil neck neighbor stopped me yesterday and complained of my car being too loud...I responded that it doesn't seem to me to be much louder than the 737s that fly close over head or the local rock band that fires up sundays, or the dog that starts barking like a rooster at 5 am EVERY day...But in any case i am pretty sure this pr*ck is going to get up to something at the next HOA meeting so i need to quiet the thing down.
What smokes my a$$ is that i am religious about IDLING out of our cul-d-sac and NEVER running between about 9pm and 9am, and rarely drive the thing during the week at all. Not like i'm hooning around sideways with dogs and kids diving for cover.
What about shoving a couple of these in?
Dynatech 772-32520, Dynatech Vortex Insert Cones | Dynatech
I would love a system i could shove in and take out a couple blocks from home...
I've actually actively queried my IMMEDIATE neighbors about if i was disturbing them and they said no you seem to be considerate about when and how you drive your silly toy. (This guy lives down the block).
I don't know, i guess throwing down for a $10k a month house payment to live in this sh*thole that is the SF bay area, i would also feel empowered to ***** about some a$$hat in a silly loud car too...Just like I do about barking dogs and rock bands.
Reading your story, I'm in the exact same scenario.
Bad neighbours whinge about my cars, yet they have no control of their barking dogs, filling up the rubbish bin at 10pm etc.
I used to warn my good neighbour if I was going to a car show early on Sunday. But they moved.
I've sold my house because of the s**t neighbours.
The cones you have shown above seem a good idea to try.
Gold Certified Holden Technician
Last edited by Gaz64; 10-12-2015 at 01:23 PM..

10-12-2015, 01:30 PM
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One of the reasons why I'm not a big fan of HOA's.
What do your HOA docs say about noise, etc.? If they're silent on the matter of noise, then you're doing nothing illegal. And as long as you're making an effort to mitigate the noise, like no Sunday 6AM starts or keeping the garage closed upon startup, then in a nice way, I'd say "tough luck" to your neighbor.
There are just WAY too many other things to complain about like too many cars in a driveway, not parking in the desingated parking zones, speeding, speed bumps, trash, landscaping, backyard structures, street basketball hoops, blah, blah, blah.
He or she is actually impinging upon your freedom. And investigating quieter pipes would be a neighborly thing to do too. And I'd mention that to him or her.

10-12-2015, 02:00 PM
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I used to have trouble sleeping due to barking dogs next door. I went to the council and told them, so they gave me some sleeping tablets. A week later I went to the council again. I said I still can't sleep. I'm chasing these dogs all night, and they won't take the tablets. 

10-12-2015, 02:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Jaydee
I used to have trouble sleeping due to barking dogs next door. I went to the council and told them, so they gave me some sleeping tablets. A week later I went to the council again. I said I still can't sleep. I'm chasing these dogs all night, and they won't take the tablets. 
Thanks for the humor! Good laugh!

Superformance 1764
Built 427W
Aiken SC USA

10-12-2015, 02:54 PM
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10-12-2015, 03:38 PM
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that video was too funny. opinions are useless is there a maximum decibel level allowed in your neighborhood. If not the car may be to quite. Science always win over opinion.

10-12-2015, 04:03 PM
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I don't think I'd do anything. Let him bring it up and let him/them prove they are too loud. You might try having a Police Officer take a listen and get his/her opinion.

10-12-2015, 04:21 PM
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I only have a neighbor on one side and he wouldn't look up when I drove out the driveway and, although he never said anything, I had a good feeling that he was bothered by the noise. So, I invited him for a ride and he came back smiling and "in awe" (his words, not mine). As he was thanking me for the ride I took the opportunity to say "I know it's a bit loud but it sorta goes with the type of car it is" and he responded, "No, no don't worry about it". Now, when he sees me coming and going he smiles and waves. Potential problem solved.
"Anyone who drives faster than you is a maniac and anyone who drives slower than you is an idiot" - George Carlin

10-12-2015, 04:34 PM
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Tortuga... See if you can get a dB meter or have the police use theirs. If you ask politely most cops will be happy to oblige as they like muscle cars. I had this issue with my neighbors and my Chevelle back in the day. Actually, my apartment complex threatened to evict me... Well, it was below the local requirement, I showed them, they were pissed and there's not a damn thing they can do about it! Of course that's as long as you're not doing burnouts and romping the throttle in front of said plaintiff's property. Oh, and just to rub salt in the wound, a tornado blew through and tore that apartment complex apart not long after I moved out...

10-12-2015, 08:15 PM
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You can move into my neighborhood as I like that music!

10-12-2015, 09:31 PM
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Pipe music
My neighbours tell me they love the sounds when you start that thing up. No problems.
COB-66 Young at heart old fart.
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10-13-2015, 12:20 AM
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Years ago I had an annoying neighbor who complained about everything. Wrote a huge letter to the council about working on the road, I opened a bonnet once out there. Spray painting fumes poisoning them, gutter overflowing and wetting their driveway, It went on and on. So I went to the council and reporting him for harassment. He ended up selling the house, not because of me, but his wife wanted to go to a posh neighborhood, so I bought it. That way I can chose my neighbors. I said to him at the inspection. If you were more civil you would have saved a lot of money on Agent fees.

10-13-2015, 02:57 AM
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You have shown a lot of good judgment, and my own personal opinion is I don't like HOAs at all. My house is right next to our new police station and they all know about my cars and look for me to drive one of them. I take it easy with the Coupe and my neighbors come out to watch me drive by. So all in all I have it very good in that sense. Maybe that guy will come around if you talk to him and even offer to take him for a ride. Hope so.

10-13-2015, 03:30 AM
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I used to have a large dump truck across the road. He'd start it up every morning around 6 am, with a rev or 2, then drive of. One morning he drove of quietly. So that night I went over and thanked him for driving of quietly. From then on, he drove of gently. So it was on him. He cant tell me to piss of, as I gave him a compliment. And he knows he'd be a dick if he was noisy.
What about living next door to a Harley club. 
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