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onaprwl 04-26-2010 10:46 AM

Soft Top
Looking for a soft top for my West Coast cobra body. I will settle for just the bows that fit. Seems as though factory five and some others are some what smaller bodies and won't fit my car. Any help?

Excaliber 04-26-2010 10:48 AM

Classic Roadster maybe.... longer, wider.

FWB 04-26-2010 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by onaprwl (Post 1046693)
Looking for a soft top for my West Coast cobra body. I will settle for just the bows that fit. Seems as though factory five and some others are some what smaller bodies and won't fit my car. Any help?

good luck with that......i've been looking too....i have 2000 bucks for anyone with a used top for west coast or a kellison, and it wouldn't matter if i had 5000...

mickmate 04-26-2010 12:42 PM

Let me know how wide your soft top mounts are. Also check they are 3/8" ID ferrules. I can make you a set.

Steve Gallegos 04-26-2010 12:48 PM

Try ERA. I have a backdraft and they fit fine.:)

Xack 06-17-2010 09:12 PM

Hello fellow WEST COAST COBRA owners. Please let me know if ANYONE has a soft top which can fit or who can make one. Is the cockpit of ERA or Backdraft the same as WEST COAST Dreams?

Has anyone heard from Vern? I think he went out of business. Tell me I'm wrong.

Okiesnake 08-18-2010 05:10 PM

I have a Unique Cobra with a soft top and side curtains. I have no idea if it would fit your car, but if it does, Unique offers a complete soft top with side curtains for $1,995
I live in Lawton OK (about 3 hours from Dallas). If you ever want to make a road trip up, we can temporaly take the stay support mounts and windsheid clips off my car and put them on yours to see how well it fits.

Xack 11-26-2010 08:41 PM

critical measurement
Thanks for the photo. That's a nice top! I'd like to get some measurements from you... or perhaps I'll contact Unique to see if it's close enough to work.

I think the width should be the same, at least at the windscreen. The difference is probably the greatest at the back. My windscreen is an english type. WCC has a roll bar that goes across both seats and it's not that tall.

I've seen an ad for a company in South Africa that makes tops but I'm not so sure about dealing with South African companies.

Let me know if you can take some measurements for me. My body is in the shop for sanding and primer.


FWB 11-26-2010 09:06 PM

the unique top won't fit......i found a stallion top. stallion or westcoast only
rear fender curves are unique, width is unique. front and rear bows are fiberglass and attach to body with MGB clips on trunk (2) also has a two rod bow like original cobra, but wider. attaches to windshield with over center latches.

vern has a prototype made, but good luck, i couldn't get any firm info from him. top is very similar to a triumph tr-3 top with some extra material added in the rear. front and rear bows are the problem. rear bow is a two piece laminated glass. i have some sketches of it in my manual. if your interested.

Xack 11-26-2010 09:36 PM

Great Photos
Thanks for the photos. I spent a lot of time trying to get information and searching the web with no results. This is awesome! Thanks for posting your photos.

I'll search it, but do you have any contact information on the Stallion Soft top? Dealer?

I've tried and tried to get Vern and he won't reply. He still owes me some parts. It is so frustrating dealing with him. Any information or photos of your sketches would be greatly appreciated.

That's the top I want for my beast.


Xack 11-26-2010 10:33 PM

Stallion = WCC
It looks like Vern bought Kellison Stallion and made it his own. If Vern won't answer his phone I'm out of luck.

Does anyone know of a manufacturer who can build me a soft top to look like this one?

I searched Stallion and found some information in this forum regarding a vintage car under the name "Stallion". The photos reveal that the Stallion and WCC are the same body and design.

Thanks for your help.


FWB 11-27-2010 08:24 AM

the stallion and the westcoast body......well..... used to be the same. they may still be but what vern has done in the past 5-10 years with the car has ruined the brand. vern never bought out anyone.....stole the design is more like it. anyway enough vern bashing.
ther are NO stallion dealers to get a top. just the cars that were built from 76 to 81 ish. vern did offer the same top i have at one time, until he didn't pay his vendor and the molds and templates are probably lost. if i could find the vendor i would buy the molds, but i have had no luck so far to uncover that.
i had to pay dearly to get a stallion owner to sell me his top and side curtains.
what parts does vern owe you? you paid him already? keep calling and pesting or you will never get them. if you didn't pay him, depending on what you need i can get new parts for westcoasts. most things are not other manufacturer (cobra) compliant. so the other cobra parts houses won't have jack for our cars.:3DSMILE:

Xack 11-27-2010 07:28 PM

WCC ~ Stallion
I knew as much that there was not going to be any manufacturer for Soft tops for me. I've been busy tonight doing more research on this topic.

I'm very afraid Vern's "West Coast Dreams" are history. i.e. he may be out of business. and that is a crying shame. As far as it goes, I paid for the parts I got. I'm using just about 1/2 of the "kit". The fuel tank was crap, the steering column was trash, the steering wheel was all scratched up and old. I'm using an Ididit chrome straight column and a new wheel. The electrical system is "ISIS" if your interested check it out.

I'm getting the body work done this week and I picked out paint. I'll assemble the body on the frame in a few weeks and then get the whole thing back for final paint after the new year. After doing the research on Kellison and the Stallion plus other cars Kellison designed, I have a lot more respect for the kit that I have. I knew all along Vern did not design this. He just replaced components with cheaper versions. The major components are all still very good. The frame etc.. You just need to go over all of it down to the last square inch to make it right. I just wish I could find the soft top. I will probably have to make one.

I found a Kellison web page which features some information about his cars and kits which have been restored. I'm hoping someone can help me find a contact who can dig up a pattern for the soft top. I get the impression this is going to be no less than a quest.

Thanks for your insight and input. I would be greatful for dimensions which I could ultimatley use for a pattern if it comes to that.


Texas-Saluki 11-30-2010 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by Xack (Post 1092408)
The electrical system is "ISIS" if your interested check it out.

ok this electical system is COOL. I would think of some really cool things to do with car project **)

427SSSS 12-01-2010 06:33 AM

Bill Emerson (530) 222-2063

Northern California, Redding Area, I've seen a car or two of his at BACC with soft top. His cars are "larger" than "stock" Cobras.

Xack 12-01-2010 09:05 PM

The ISIS system is great. It has 2 key FOBs with 3 pages X 4 buttons which you can turn on select outputs (Lights, interior lights, horn, Headlights, Parking lights, pop the trunk etc.). According to Jay, you can also have it programed for an alarm function to beep your horn if someone opens a sensor like a door switch. It comes standard with an ignition and starter kill. I wanted a way to prevent someone from hot-wiring my Cobra. This is really the only way to do it besides an in-trunk battery kill switch.


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