Hey Guy's
I received this E-Mail today!
Most of you have met Breeze(Ken), he's my best friend in Houston, He's the person who got me started hauling sand, and we worked tougher at UPS for 11 years. I've known Breeze since 1975.
Please read below and lift his farther up in your prayers.
Hello all,
Normally I would e mail each of you separately, but to save time I'm doing
this group e mail.
My Dad went into the DeLeon Hospital this past Sunday for severe diarrhea,
and loss of control of his bladder. DeLeon is a small town, so they did
what they could to locate the causes. I drove up Sunday morning to be with
him and Mom. Pop had appointments with his specialists Monday, so DeLeon
discharged him at 8am, we drove to Scott White Hospital in Temple and they
did the scheduled tests.
My sister and I managed to get his "blood doctor" to see Pop late Monday.
The doctor suggested he be admitted until they could isolate what was going
As of 1pm today they have identified the "bug" causing the diarrhea and are
treating it with medication. A urologist is going to draw urine directly
from the bladder to see where the bleeding is coming from. The CT scans
show enlarged liver, kidney, and adrenal glad. All of this translates to
more hospital time, which wears on everyone's nerves. I know the doctors
are doing what they can, I just want them to do it faster.
Needless to say, Pop has not had an easy go since the surgery to remove his
spleen on January 8th of this year. Seems like anything that could get him
is doing so.
So, I am asking everyone to include him in your prayers. Not so much that
he live forever, but that he at least be granted a better quality of life
for whatever years he has left. He has myelofibrosis (
http://www.acor.org/mpd/MFFAQ.html ) which will take him away from us
sooner than we want, but I pray he be able to have a better life than what
he's had over the past several months.
Thanks to all of you for doing this,