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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2009, 08:12 AM
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Default *UPDATED* 2009 Texas Cobra Club Meet Photography Update *UPDATED*

First of all, we wanted to say thanks to everyone who participated in this years group photo shoot! We had a vision and really appreciate everyone's efforts in making it happen! It was so exciting for me (Sonia) being up in that lift, just watching everything fall into place....I almost forgot that I was at least 30 to 40 feet off the ground and didn't even realize how much the lift was swaying around! The cars looked AWESOME at that angle! Can't wait for y'all to see the final images!
We will be posting a 24 x 12 panoramic version of the group shot in a day or so which will be available for purchase. Due to the large quantity of photos taken it will take us another day or so send the links to view the rest of the images. We promise to keep everyone updated!

**Please be aware that there will be 2 separate postings of images from the photography team. For clarification, the images that some of you were able to preview on Saturday were those that were created by Photography By Sonia DeFoor. This includes images that were pre-ordered by some on Saturday night as well. Individual portrait shoots that took place on Friday at the CAF hangar will also be posted via our web host (Miller's Professional Imaging) All images by Photography By Sonia DeFoor will be watermarked appropriately for easier identification.

As mentioned during Saturday's Tailgate festivities, Jim and I will be taking 10% from every sale and giving it back to the crew at the Commemorative Air Force Hangar. These guys were instrumental in making this group shot such a memorable one, as well as making the planes available for all of those photo ops!

Again, thank you so much for allowing us to capture some very beautiful images of the cars we know you all love and enjoy so very much! Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions/concerns/comments.

Best Regards,
Jim & Sonia DeFoor

Photography By Sonia DeFoor
(512) 577-6546 (Sonia's cell)
(512) 577-6545 (Jim's cell--best to call after 4pm)

Last edited by D4fotografix; 04-03-2009 at 04:17 AM..
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cobra, event, photography, spring meet, texas

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