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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2004, 07:04 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Concord, nc
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Default Newbie, Wannabe LONG

Let me start by saying that I participate on quite a few automotive message boards and this has to be the most helpful and informative board I have ever been to. There is none of that smart-alec, holier-than-thou attitude here. I commend everyone here and look forward to getting to know some of you.
The reason I am here is simple, I want to build my own Cobra. I have been looking at these kits for years. It all started with a wreck I had in my '89 Mustang GT, which effectively made it a viable donor car. I was too young, inexperienced, and poor at the time to build my own Cobra. Flashforward 7 years and here I am still wanting to build my own Cobra, but now I have the experience and the money. I have always liked the FFR kit, but now I am not so sure about the donor car approach and would like to use new parts specifically built for a Cobra. If I have read correctly FFR offers these parts as a option (I ordered their sales litereature on tues.). I still have a great deal of homework to do, but would love to hear some opinions on the donor car approach.
I live in Concord, NC and would love to see some different replicas in person as part of "my homework". If anyone lives in the Charlotte/Concord area and would like to show off their ride, either in private or at a show let me know when and where. Thank you for reading this.

Brad Glover
C&B Hardwood Flooring, LLC
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2004, 10:13 PM
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The FFR still uses the donor concept but that doesn't mean you have to use used parts. You can do a non-donor build. There are many manufactures represented here so do your homework and decide which works best for you. For more details on FFR you should visit which is a dedicated FFR customer site.
Like I said there are many options so figure out how much you want to build vs. spend and weigh your options.
Remember, It's never too early to start beefing up your obituary.
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