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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-15-2008, 06:30 PM
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Default Haw River Wine Trail Run - Burlington, NC

A run on the Haw River Wine Trail is on, weather permitting, for Saturday October 25th.

FYI, the trail is a collection of five wineries that are in the Burlington, NC vicinity that can be visited for tasting and purchasing purposes over about a 3-4 hour period and are spaced some 5-10 miles apart.

Each of the wineries, during my last visit, charged us from 0-$6 to taste their wines and gave us a souvenir glass too.

The wineries include: Grove Winery, Creek Side Winery, Iron Gate Vineyards, Glen Marie vineyards & Winery and Benjamin vineyards & Winery.

All of the roads to the wineries are paved except the last quater of a mile leading up to one, and it may be paved by now. Either was it can be accessed without car damage.

The plan is to meet at the Red Robin Restaurant at exit 140 off I-40/85, in Burlington for lunch at 11:30 AM and then on with the tour. That is a good starting point for the tour.

A number of Cobra drivers and builders have signed up and hope you can join's a great opportunity for a season extender that would also include those important spouses and significant others that play a big part of all our lives when owning a Cobra or other hobby car.

Hope you can join in.

Bob Jones/Raleigh, NC

Last edited by Bob Jones; 10-18-2008 at 09:28 AM..
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-18-2008, 09:30 AM
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One week to go...current weather forecast is 67 with mostly cloudy...just right for a Cobra ride!

Pls note the exit number for the Red Robin Restaurant, our starting point, has be corrected to exit 140 instead of 143.

Hope to see you there!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2008, 09:48 AM
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The weather forecast for Saturday is 70% chance of rain therefore the Wine Trail Run is cancelled...maybe we can do it in the spring.

Bob Jones/Raleigh
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