11-20-2006, 03:09 PM
CC Member
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Palma de Mallorca, Spain,
Cobra Make, Engine: Contemporary with 482 KC/SO, TKO600,IRS Jag/AMP, 3.54 Salisbury PL,
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Interesting Weber jetting
My 48 IDA Webers I installed on my 427 FE Top Oiler have never really been set right.
The F5 emulsion tube made things a littel bit better, but not enough.
Then I took to getting rid of the popping on decelleration and installed phenolic spacers to keep the carbs cool. I also installed a return line for the gasoline in order to reliefed the fuel pressure on the needle valves after shutdown.
I got rid of the fuel boiling and dripping all over the place after shutting down the engine.
That is all fine now.
But, the transition was horrible and I could by no means cure it. I tried F5 emulsion tubes and all sorts of combinations of jets, holders and idles, to no avail.
Finally I did make a sleeve for the F5 tube, bringing the outside diameter to 8,2mm and things started getting much better. So I ordered a set of F11 tubes, which have a larger outer diameter and I got a big improvement. But it was still not good, so I went down with the idle holder sizes until a #60 holder made the transition perfect. I now have reached a point where I can say I have got it spot on..
My final setting now is:
55 idle
60 holder
F11 emulsion tube
160 Main jet
37 choke
idle screws 1 turn out
I may be able to go down with the main jet to 155 or even 150. I have to check on that. But basically I have the car running really well now, and at least in my case this is the right jetting.
I thought you weber guys might want to know, just in case some of you are not fully happy with them.
Nothing sounds better than a Cobra in a Tunnel !