03-14-2007, 12:22 PM
Senior Club Cobra Member
Join Date: Mar 2001
Location: NorCal,
Cobra Make, Engine: A Blue Car
Posts: 949
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WSCB-TRACK DAY 2007 Main Thread
Hi Folks,
Please post all your Track Day questions and comments here on this thread so we can all learn from your comments:
Western States Cobra Bash-TRACK DAY Announcement
It has come to our attention that there may be some apprehension regarding the intension of WSCB -TRACK DAY and we would like to make a few things very clear:
1.) WSCB-Track Day is a novice oriented event. We have gone out of our way to make sure you guys feel safe, comfortable, and in control while on the track. At no point should you go faster than you feel is comfortable.
2.) WSCB-Track Day is a driving experience geared towards the Cobra enthusiast who desires a better understanding of open-touring their car in a safe venue.
3.) WSCB-Track Day is not a racing or chest-beating event! There is a small “fast” run group of seasoned veterans, your instructors, who want to have fun too. They will not be driving in your run group for purposes other than instruction . Any chest-beating by a “wanker” and you will be made an example of. Furthermore, No “pro-wankers” allowed! We will confiscate your car and use it as an airport shuttle.
4.) We have developed the event around the premise that many of you have no real desire to “open track” your car but do wish to have fun learning and brushing up on the basic techniques of sport touring and driver awareness. We are all here to have an enjoyable day, and to learn.
If you have any reservations or questions regarding the skill level required for Track Day, please email either Duane or myself. But I can tell you now, if you own a Cobra and want to have some fun, you meet the requirement!
Thanks and see you soon,
John Marsey
NASA - Instructor - 2012 TTA Champion - We Drive Harder!
Last edited by jmarsey; 04-12-2007 at 09:40 AM..