10-19-2011, 03:58 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2001
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Try ERA for help
Sycho24 Kevin ERA might sell you a complete inside the car rug kit that is precut to fit a cobra. I don't know if they would sell patterns for the same job. You could remove you old rug and use it as a template for the new ones, Glueing the cut edges is important. A couple of screws and glue hold them into plate. Thin 1/2" aluminum strap with a couple of screws flipped ininside also helps help everything in place too. Rick L. Ps I beat that you are looking at 1,500.00 -2,000 dollars for this repair. 2-3 cans of spray glue, good piece of carpet and your own sweat and you have 3-400.00 dollars total bill. Try Cobra restorer if they are still around, They might have the correct carpet and maybe cut also.
Last edited by RICK LAKE; 10-19-2011 at 04:00 AM..