This year, club member Gary D. had been generous enough to host the WCCC Spring Cruise. He has a great itinerary set up for us!
This is a great event to bring your significant other to. It’s on a Sunday and it will be nice to have map reader/navigator in each car if we get separated. There will be complete maps furnished.
The cruise will start at 10:00 AM at Kildeer Countryside School, right in downtown Long Grove, on the east side of Old McHenry Road. You really can't miss it coming either north or south on Old McHenry Rd. It's about 1.5 miles south of Rt. 22 or ½ mile north of Rt. 53 (Old Hicks Rd. as it is sometimes called).
The Cruise Attractions are as follows:
First off will be a stop for photos at the Covered Bridge in Long Grove. This is a very nice photo op. The club will be there to snap everyone’s photo, with pictures to be given out at the end of the day.
After that we’ll visit the wonderful Volo Auto Museum and Antique Mall where we should be able to get priority parking right in the middle of the museum grounds. There will be lots of antiques for those that desire them and plenty of car stuff for others.
We'll leave Volo by noon and head for Wisconsin. This trip will consist of driving down some great Wisconsin back roads near Lake Geneva on our way to the next stop at the Crossroads Bar and Grill, a great place on Silver Lake. Reserved parking will be available.
There we will target shoot on a video game for extra cards and throw some electronic darts while having some light refreshments. The location is right on the lake and we have another great photo opportunity right down the street on the Fox River.
We’ll leave there about 2:30 PM and head to Gary’s place in Lake Zurich for a cookout (sponsored by Gary) and awarding of the pot for the best poker hand. We should be there 3:30 PM or so and wrap up by 4:30-5:00 PM.
Along the way, we’ll be handing out cards for the Poker Run and giving away the usual assortment of exciting WCCC Prizes!
Please RSVP to Gary at gdyck@kraft.com. You can email him or call Gary at 847-226-3007 (his cell phone) with any questions.