Hello WCCC,
I want to bring up the subject of Drag race dates for the club this year. Yeah, I know it seems like eons away but if we set up the dates now I hope more members will have a chance to attend.
So far as I know, Gary has us going on the poker run
May 23rd and no one should miss that (barrells of fun)!
We have the Strat's Show-N-Shine in early June?
( Erik is that true?)
SpringFling is the last week of June the 25th-27th.
( No one should miss that if you can help it)
Since we have two things in June how about a May date?
Saturday May 8th or Saturday May 15th?
(yeah I know iffy weather but, we could get lucky)
- OR -
How about a July date? Saturday July 10th or 17th?
Please respond with ideas or suggestions