Do I reallllllllllly have to be the butt end of all of your jokes guys? Come on, give me a break, I'm under a lot of pressure, I'm all backed up, I can't sleep, it hurts when I do this,,,,,,, did you see that?!!!
I do have some good news, today I finally got home early enough to get the car off of the tires. I took a long 4x4 and jambed it under the rear end and raised it off the ground enough so that Mary could jamb a cinder block under the frame. What a success. I kinda hurt my back doing that so I made her lift the front end off the ground and had her just kick a block under the front end. It worked pretty good except now the air breather sticks through the hood a good 8". I don't know why that would happen, maybe the block pushed the motor up just a little.
Anyway shes up off the rubber. I tried to get the tires off, let me see now ,,, I think Chris told me lefty, loosy you stinkin goosy, and righty tighty and say good nighty. After hitting the spinners as hard as I possibly could and breaking off 2 of the wings and missing twice and hitting my shins I had to give up.
Im thinking that tommorrow, since it is broke anyway I will just cut off the half shaft with my sawsall, I'm pretty sure that the wheel will come off much easier then. Maybe I'll do both side right away and be done with it.