Hey folks,
Let see if we can help out our men and women over in Iraq . Please read the email from Mark (HEMI SNAKE) and Hillary. I'm going to check with Mark if we could maybe do a "Cobra drive by drop off" Between now and then. I will post Mark's Email address and phone number ONLY after he tells me its ok. Don't want to flood his email box!
Dear Friends and Family,
As many of you know, Mark's Brother Eric (A Major in the US army - he has been promoted this past year!) is currently serving his third tour of duty in Iraq. He has been there since May of '08 and will not be returning until July of this year.
When he left last year, Mark and I began what we call Project Bucca - sending personalized packages to each of the 155 people in his Battalion. The men and women in Eric's command are stationed at Camp Bucca - a detainee camp in located in the southeast corner of Iraq. Their unit is called the Charlie Battery, 3rd Battalion, 13th Field Artillery Regiment. Their nickname is the "Cobras" (think GI Joe) and Mark's brother Eric is the "Cobra Commander."
Last July, we collected and sent personalized boxes filled to the brim with supplies and goodies to everybody, and while 85 people came to help pack the boxes, over 250 people contributed in one way or another to the success of Project Bucca! Mark and I were overwhelmed by how our community of friends and family came together for what was a TRULY amazing gesture of goodwill and kindness in order to support these men and woman halfway around the world.
We COULD NOT have done it without all of you and those of you who were able to join us to help pack all of the boxes could see first hand how unbelievably special this project turned out to be!
When we started, we knew we wanted to do this twice, and now we humbly ask you to join us one more time to execute Project Bucca: Take Two!
We know that different people will be able to help in different ways. We are looking for assistance in the following areas. Feel free to do as much or as little as your time permits - it is all appreciated!
1. Letter writing and/or picture drawing. We would like each package to be personalized with a letter. If you or your children would like to write a letter, I will give you a soldiers name to address it to and make sure it gets into the correct box. If you would like to draw a picture - colorful reminders of home would be great - rainbows, flags, sunshine, summer things, etc. After last time, the soldiers requested that you include your e-mail address as many wanted to thank you personally for this gift.
2. Postage. The boxes are free from the USPS, but the Postage cost for each package is $10.95. If you would like to sponsor the postage for one or more packages, you can send Mark or I a check for whatever denomination you choose. Any extra funds will be donated to a cause that supports the soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan in a similar way to this called 'Any Soldier.'
3. Help Packing. We know that everybody has a crazy schedule, but we hope you will be able to join us at the package building pizza evening at 4:30 p.m. on Sunday April 26th at Mark's office in downtown Highland Park (in Port Clinton Square right above the Starbucks). Last time there were many kids that took part in this and they were all phenomenal helpers - we hope to see them again!
4. Purchasing supplies. This time around, we are only sending snacks and fun stuff and only a few toiletries, as the soldiers are close to coming home and have most of those needs currently met. You can either purchase things from the list below and drop them at our house anytime before April 23rd, or you can donate money and me and my trusty group of helpers (you still know who you are

will purchase everything we need. Any extra funds will be donated to a cause that supports the soldiers in a similar way to this.
Thank you SO much in advance for any contribution you make, big or small. Every little bit counts, and we can tell you from the experience of doing this before, the soldiers so appreciate our support! I know for a fact that the feeling the soldiers get from knowing that strangers back home are supporting their efforts (regardless of if they support the war) is equally as important to them as are the packages.
PLEASE (please, please) forward this e-mail to anyone you know who may be interested in joining our efforts - any and all help is a welcome gift!
If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail us or call us at 847.---.----. If you are e-mailing, please respond to only Mark or myself -
The List:
* The summer temperatures in Iraq are up around 125 degrees, so anything we send cannot be something that will melt (i.e. chocolate, lip balm in sticks, etc)
- Puzzle books (NO propaganda or nudie magazines

- Candy
- Gum (that has a shell around it - i.e. the gum from a gumball machine)
- Snacks (Pringles, nuts, sunflower seeds, cookies, granola bars, cookies, chip bags etc.) - these things should be in small bags or individual serving bags. Remember - nothing that can melt!
- Ziplock bags
- Hacky Sacks, dice, cards etc. They will leave things for the soldiers that are still there when they leave.
- Lip Balm - NOT the kind that twists out of a tube, but the kind that squeezes.
- Toothbrushes and toothpaste
- Unscented baby wipes
*Please understand that this is merely a task of goodwill so we cannot provide you with a tax donation form. Also, if you don't want to be included in these e-mails, please let us know.
p.s. attached are a few pictures from last time's packaging party. More pictures are here:
Thankfully Yours,
Mark and Hillary