Fri July 25, 2008 1:03pm
ERA 753 - Delivered
Some pictures of my ERA after delivery today. Now all I need to do is get these two together!

Fri July 25, 2008 1:03pm Rating: 10
ERA 753 - Delivered
Some pictures of my ERA after delivery today. Now all I need to do is get these two together!

Fri July 25, 2008 1:03pm Rating: 10
ERA 753 - Delivered
Some pictures of my ERA after delivery today. Now all I need to do is get these two together!

Fri July 25, 2008 1:03pm Rating: 10
ERA 753 - Delivered
These are the rear tires for my car. They are Goodyear Racing TIres or "gumballs".

Thu July 31, 2008 6:02am
ERA 753 - Engine Installation
Here's a picture of the engine going in our ERA. Note the tilt back - this is required to get the engine into the engine bay.

Thu July 31, 2008 6:02am Rating: 10
ERA 753 - IAC Details
This picture shows the inside of the intake ports on my TWM stack injection setup. The brass fitting connect to the IAC motor plumbing under the intake manifold.

Thu July 31, 2008 6:30am Rating: 10
ERA #753 - Transmission after installation
Here's a picture of the installed TKO600 transmission.

Fri August 1, 2008 2:32pm Rating: 10
ERA #753 - Engine Installed, plumbing done
A picture of our ERA after the engine installation and resassebly of the TWM Intake and stacks

Fri August 1, 2008 2:32pm Rating: 10
ERA #753 - Transmission and Driveline
This picture shows the completed transmission, driveshaft, and driveshaft speed sensor.

Fri August 1, 2008 2:46pm Rating: 10
ERA #753 - Fuel Lines and Throttle Cable
Final fuel lines and trottle cable hookup on our ERA

Sun August 3, 2008 6:31pm Rating: 10
ERA 753 - Engine In and Mostly Hooked Up
Here's a picture of our ERA with the egine installed and everything hooked up except for the cooling system, the alternator, and the wiring for the EFI system.

Sun August 3, 2008 6:31pm Rating: 10
ERA 753 - Engine In and Mostly Hooked Up
Here's a picture of our ERA with the egine installed and everything hooked up except for the cooling system, the alternator, and the wiring for the EFI system.

Sat August 9, 2008 2:39pm
ERA #753 - Engine with Accessories Installed
Here's a picture of our engine with the alternator and expansion tank installed.

Sat August 9, 2008 2:39pm Rating: 10
ERA #753 - Engine with Accessories Installed
Here's a picture of our engine with the alternator and expansion tank installed.