Fri September 1, 2006 5:06pm Rating: 10
1970 Olds 442
455 4-Barrel, 365 HP, 500 TQ

Mon April 2, 2007 6:11am Rating: 10
4-Post Lift
My ERA FIA on top, my '57 T'Bird on the bottom, and a red '57 T'Bird I am restoring for a friend. The third bay of my garage is stacked with new & take-off parts from the red T'Bird.

Mon April 2, 2007 6:11am Rating: 10
4-Post Lift
Here you can see how the door tracks were relocated to hug the ceiling, so I can stack two cars on the lift and use the door.

Mon April 2, 2007 6:11am Rating: 10

Sat June 2, 2007 12:10pm Rating: 10
May 5, 2007, First Car Show.

Fri August 31, 2007 3:31pm Rating: 10
Jag Rear vs Kirkham Front

Fri August 31, 2007 3:31pm Rating: 10

Tue July 22, 2008 8:10pm
My shop, the Snake Pit, completed the add on 4-08

Mon February 16, 2009 8:35pm Rating: 10

Bob In Ct
Sun April 19, 2009 6:20am Rating: 10
Bob, Bob, Todd, Todd, Mike, Jay, JoeG, & Ken prepare for a spring cruise on 4-18-2009 to Blackie's Hot Dog stand in Cheshire.

Bob In Ct
Sun April 19, 2009 7:14pm Rating: 10
Jay and Ed (Background), Bob (foreground)
Run to Blackie's Hot Dogs in Cheshire Connecticut on 4-18-2009.

Bob In Ct
Sun April 19, 2009 7:14pm Rating: 10
Joe G.
Run to Blackie's Hot Dogs in Cheshire Connecticut on 4-18-2009.

Bob In Ct
Sun April 19, 2009 7:14pm Rating: 10
Todd of Mystic
Run to Blackie's Hot Dogs in Cheshire Connecticut on 4-18-2009.

Bob In Ct
Sun April 19, 2009 7:14pm Rating: 10
Open road - Route 8 CT
Run to Blackie's Hot Dogs in Cheshire Connecticut on 4-18-2009.

Bob In Ct
Sun April 19, 2009 7:14pm Rating: 10
White Birch Trees - Route 8, CT
Run to Blackie's Hot Dogs in Cheshire Connecticut on 4-18-2009.