Sun November 21, 2004 6:35am Rating: 10
Weber Float Adjustment
This is a tool used to bend the tang to adjust the float level on Webers.

Sun November 21, 2004 6:37am Rating: 10
Weber Float Level
Using tools to measure float level. Spring to hold float in "up" position not shown.

Sun November 21, 2004 6:40am Rating: 10
Weber Floats
This tool replicates the height of the inlet needle valve.

Sun November 21, 2004 6:42am Rating: 10
Weber Tools
This gage is used to check "installed height" of the fuel inlet valve.

Sun November 21, 2004 6:47am Rating: 10
Weber Guages
Two on top left hold float to proper height; two lower left are for measuring float level. Top right is tang-bending tool, lower right is to measure fuel inlet needle setting. (center tools perform same functions as the two on left, just slightly different designs).

Wed February 23, 2005 6:25pm Rating: 10
Collapsible spare tire
This is what my trunk looks like with a collapsible spare tire mounted on a narrow (5") PSE Halibrand wheel. Plenty of room left for tools, wax, and whatever else.

Thu January 12, 2006 7:50pm
Shock adjuster tool
Shock adjuster tool

Thu October 18, 2007 7:45pm Rating: 10
Garage and plenty of tools

Sat October 11, 2008 9:41pm
Tools of the trade
Well, if I was a pro musician I could justify it...

Ken Williams
Tue March 3, 2009 5:18pm
At Operation Comfort
Some of the Texas Cobra Club members went to a Ranch south of San Antonio where disabled Vets from Brooks Army Hospital are being rehabilitated. We gave rides and donated some tools

Ken Williams
Tue March 3, 2009 5:23pm
Operation Comfort, the tools

Fri April 10, 2009 4:48pm
N.A.F. Build
Setting up car to position and square rear axle in car for Satchell Link Suspension build. Its not the tools that you have to use.....but how you use the tools that you have.

Wed February 23, 2011 5:48am Rating: 10
Tools I carry
Various stuff I carry on cruises just in case.

Wed February 23, 2011 5:48am Rating: 10
Tools I cary
Packed up nice and neat.

Wed February 23, 2011 5:48am Rating: 10
Tools I carry
All fit nicely on the upper shelf out of the way.