Mon July 6, 2009 2:22pm Rating: 10
Fudruckers Show 2009
I won best in show at this event, I was very happy, thankful and surprised! We had a great time with great people.

Mon July 6, 2009 2:22pm
Fudruckers Show 2009
I won best in show at this event, I was very happy, thankful and surprised! We had a great time with great people.

Sun September 20, 2009 11:42am Rating: 10
People checking out my coupe

Mark IV
Sun November 8, 2009 12:42pm Rating: 10
Where SPF's come from, when two people love each other.....

Mon December 7, 2009 7:48pm Rating: 5.5

Thu July 15, 2010 4:34am
Mareeba Ford Day 2010
with Luke my step son, runner up peoples choice

Mon September 13, 2010 8:43am Rating: 10
Driving the Backroads of MO
The great people of Windy City Cobra Club allowed me and my wife to tag along with them as they drove around the back roads of Missouri - Wonderful experience!

Sun February 20, 2011 2:02pm

Tue April 19, 2011 9:17am
front end
People keep telling me I put the motor in backwards...go figure.

Sat September 15, 2012 7:24pm Rating: 10
Western States Cobra group meetup at Murphys CA
Great turnout for a smaller meetup! 32 people and we were only expecting 22 for breakfast. The Central Valley crew came threw big time. By far, the picture of the day for me was seeing Alan and Valerie's little Danica who comes along for all the Cobra events. Danica was taking in every aspect of the situation as Cobras were exiting breakfast at Murphys. Isn't she cute!

Thu October 25, 2012 4:32pm
Best of Show for Paint and People's Choice
Best of Show for Paint and People's Choice

Thu February 21, 2013 3:35am
6 Trophies for 2012
Best of Show for Paint (twice), People's Choice, 1st in '60-'69 Class (beat a bunch of old Chevy's & Camaro's), Top 50 of over 100 cars (with a lot of Corvett's) and Top 10 of 50 plus cars. Great year!

Wed June 12, 2013 10:40am Rating: 10
Shelby Show 5/11/13
"Honey, yes, I need 2 gallons of distilled water and a bunch of microfiber cloths".
I crept at a snail's pace in a long line of Shelby's latest Mustangs for almost 30 minutes and it was starting to get hot. They finally let me in. I got out, stretched and poof! The green steam show. Luckily the hood was down because people could have been burned and the Tiger next to me wouldn't have been happy. Coolant shot out of the hood scoop like a toddler sneezing through his nose. Nothing some water and a 5/16" wrench couldn't fix but what a mess.
Thanks for the help, Dean! (RedBarchetta)
Woudn't have been the same without 'cooler heads' (pun intended) prevailing!

Fri May 15, 2015 5:03am
Substance abuse treatment programs
Substance abuse treatment programs - Sam’s Guided Meditation Program is stronger than hypnosis. He pinpoints the root of your problem and while you sleep, he fixes it. Do You have a challenge that is preventing You from having the life You deserve? For the past 60 years, Sam Meranto has helped thousands of people just like You.

Fri May 15, 2015 5:51am
Online act test
Online act test - The individuals below are people we find to be exceptional. They are not necessarily SATPG alumni. We just think they exemplify some of our values of entrepreneurship and self-empowerment. Hopefully their stories will inspire you as much as they did us!