Wed February 11, 2004 3:23am
Cobra Sport Cars - Individually manufactured modern Cobra Sport Cars
Want an Australian built Cobra but haven't got the time?
We will build you one...
Made to order...with the utmost care and quality.
We can source and supply the parts or you can supply them and we will assemble them for you.
Enquire Online Today!

Wed February 11, 2004 3:31am
Cobra Sport Cars - Individually manufactured modern Cobra Sport Cars
Want an Australian built Cobra but haven't got the time?
We will build you one...
Made to order...with the utmost care and quality.
We can source and supply the parts or you can supply them and we will assemble them for you.
Enquire Online Today!

Tue December 28, 2004 12:42pm Rating: 10
C4 Servos
Comparison of popular Intermediate Servos for the Ford C4 transmission. The "C" one in the middle is the largest available, and came in 289 HiPo Automatic cars, including AC Cobras ( a couple dozen built) and Shelby GT350's.
It has been obsolete for years, and have become rather valuable for restoring "K" code automatic Mustangs and GT 350's.

Sat December 3, 2005 4:30am Rating: 1
First view of the roadster before buying, local redition of a Cobra, made from a Holden Torana with a local made fiber body, in line six, four speed. Group who made it only had a couple of photos to go by and a junk cars, made 4, two still on the road.

Trevor Legate
Mon January 1, 2007 1:31pm Rating: 10
289FIA by Hawk Cars, early morning on the South Downs, Sussex

Trevor Legate
Sat February 10, 2007 1:40pm Rating: 10
The last FIA from AC Cars, Frimley

Trevor Legate
Sat February 10, 2007 1:41pm Rating: 10
Interior of the last FIA from AC Cars, Frimley

Fri March 23, 2007 9:14am
Jack Sears and Bob Bondurant with Daytona Coupe
Jack Sears and Bob Bondurant reunited at the Haynes test circuit, Haynes Museum in the UK. Amongst many Original AC cobras and a small number of tribute cars, there were two original Daytona Coupes, The Wilment Coupe and a GT40.

Fri March 23, 2007 9:39am Rating: 10
Just a few of the original cars attending The Haynes Cobra Day.
Sept 2004. Haynes Cobra Day.
Haynes Museum hosts the historic reunion of AC Cars, Shelby American, staff, designers, engineers, drivers, many cars, owners, journalists and other guests.
Present: John Tojiero, Carroll Shelby, Bob Bondurant, Jack Sears, Dan Gerber, Sir John Whitmore and many more..

1985 CCX
Sat July 21, 2007 6:12pm Rating: 10
CCX @ Bentley Bash 2007
Great cars, great people, and great fun!

Thu January 22, 2009 11:23pm
Arntz tranny tunnel
Shown here is the removable section of the tranny tunnel. With the big engine setback in all the Arntz / Butler cars, you can remove the transmission while seated if you desire. Only a few very late Butlers had this and all Arntz Type 4 cars. I have no idea what the many cutouts are for Also shown are the two triangulation tubes that connect the center of the cowl hoop to the 2 main frame rails for increased rigidity. The 3rd leg of the roll bar (not shown) also attaches to the same point on the passenger side frame rail. This is Arntz Type 4 only as well.

Sat January 22, 2011 8:40pm Rating: 6
Sexy girl in photo shoot posing on AC Cobra
Sexy girl in photo shoot posing on AC Cobra.

Fri May 6, 2011 7:44am Rating: 5.5
Sexy girl with AC Cobra
Sexy girl with AC Cobra

Sun August 28, 2011 6:44pm Rating: 10
Mustang show
Thunderbird Horse park Mustang show,lots of cars, Took home Trophy for Daytona.

Mon May 11, 2020 6:01am Rating: 10
1965 Cross Ram 426 Race Hemi
1965 cross ram race hemi, as installed in a 1965 Dodge Coronet A990 super stock. The race hemi was all cast iron in 1964, as the cars were built with lightweight body panels. NHRA stipulated that for 1965, all superstocks had to have steel body panels, so Chrysler redesigned the 426 race hemi with aluminum heads and water pump as compared to 1964, to lighten up the cars, along with lighter steel acid dipped body panels. I believe the 1965 Race Hemi's were the only hemis equipped with factory aluminum heads. What a beast !!!!