7 result(s) to your search. ((UK))

Mon May 5, 2003 1:10pm Rating: 10
Wilf's Cobra at Stoneleigh (UK) Show today

Mon May 5, 2003 1:43pm Rating: 10

Fri May 19, 2006 1:11pm Rating: 10

Trevor Legate
Mon February 12, 2007 12:42pm Rating: 10
CSX2051 long-distance fuel tank and four pumps. 40+ (UK) gallons.

db replicas
Sun December 2, 2007 3:00pm Rating: 10
DB Replicas (UK) The only LeMans top that looks like a LeMans top, but has the opening rear hatch/tailgate.

db replicas
Sun December 2, 2007 3:00pm Rating: 10
DB Replicas (UK) The only LeMans top that looks like a LeMans top, but has the opening rear hatch/tailgate.

Wed November 3, 2010 5:10am
Ace racing driver Cheng Lim's Ram Automotive Cobra
Heavily modified for competition, with this car Cheng Lim of Thunder Road Cars (UK), has won many championships over the years.
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