Mon April 13, 2009 6:36am Rating: 10
Modified Lower Radiator Hose
Here is the modified lower hose to keep the surge tank on the LOW pressure side (water pump inlet) of the system. Not the most elegant but very functional. I found a glass filled nylon "T" taht is 1.75" and has a 1.0" fill line for the surge tank.

Fri October 23, 2009 10:21am
Cobra Intake
Tabs are fastened to the Inlet of the Cobra.

Sat November 27, 2010 2:45am
LS7 HSV 427 Inlet Manifold
LS7 HSV 427 Inlet Manifold

Fri December 30, 2011 1:26pm Rating: 8
step 1
First step is to drill two pair of flanges (one for car side and other for head cylinder side)

Fri December 30, 2011 1:35pm Rating: 10
Building operation - second step
here I cut a 90° aluminum pipe elbow to have two small 40° elbow. This will allow to have a vertical 5° angle

Fri December 30, 2011 1:41pm Rating: 10
Step 3
A piece of wood is used as dummy to adapt the round pipe at the head cylinder flange opening

Fri December 30, 2011 1:45pm Rating: 10
Step 4
Now we have to connect carefully elbows in the flanges and to bing it to the welder

Fri December 30, 2011 1:55pm
Step 5
Welding operation is completed, now we have to adjust both intake manifold ports to the head cylinder

Fri December 30, 2011 2:03pm Rating: 10
Step 6
Weber carbs need some clearances in the flange to allow free operating movements

Fri December 30, 2011 2:23pm Rating: 9
Carbs front view
In this picture, we can see the vertical angle of 5°. In this position, we have to decrease by 1mm fuel bowl level in the carbs

Fri December 30, 2011 2:35pm Rating: 9.75
Step 7
Building operations are completed. Now is the time to tune the carbs. I had previously a set of Weber 48IDF and I have change to adapt a set of 48 IDA bored at 50mm

Sat February 25, 2012 2:23pm
leaky carb inlet
leaky carb inlet

Wed January 27, 2016 9:20am Rating: 10
Early and late Weber brass / steel banjo fittings
Concours quality reproduction of the Shelby race shop fabricated fuel inlet banjos as used on 48IDM and 48IDA models. We are the only shop that provides these parts.

Wed January 27, 2016 3:42pm Rating: 10
Up to 1964 Weber 48IDM brass banjo and bolt kit
This is a complete 48IDM Weber brass banjo fuel inlet with a 3/8" steel inlet pipe just as Shelby's race team fabricators made in the 1960s. This kit would be correct for 48IDM Weber system all the way up to 289 FIA Cobra chassis CSX2259 & CSX2260. These fittings also would have been present on 48IDM Weber systems that were converted to 48IDA systems.

Sat March 28, 2020 10:04am Rating: 10
Air Inlet Screens
Air Inlet Screens