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25 result(s) to your search. (bumpers)
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Thu February 19, 2004 3:12pm
Back in black
A vette's view

Thu February 26, 2004 6:13pm Rating: 10
FFR Mark II in Frederick Maryland
new paint, silver pearl with black metallic stripes, 5.0 5sp, roller rockers, cobra upper and lower intake, motorsport B303 roller cam, 70 302 heads poured and polished, 202 valves, 24lb injectors, 70mm throtle body, underdrive pulleys, 373 rear gears, centerline thrusters, 235 60 r-15, 265 r-15 on rear, kyb shocks, power steering, 5 point harnesses, chrome pipes roll bars and bumpers, auto meter gages, too much to list $25,000 firm (more invested) call Chris (301)271-3869

Thu April 1, 2004 5:28am Rating: 10
quickjacks bumperettes or nothing? I couldn't decide
I left off the windwings and bumpers because I felt it looked racier, well it's been 7 yrs & I still can't decide...what do you think?

Tue May 13, 2008 4:30pm
CR bumpers front

Tue May 13, 2008 4:30pm
Old bumperettes, unique design
CR bumpers front

Tue May 13, 2008 4:30pm
old bumperettes, unique design
CR bumpers rear

Sat May 17, 2008 3:25pm
New SS quick jack bumpers
Custom quick jacks for CR, polished stainless

Sat May 17, 2008 3:25pm
New SS quick jack bumpers
Custom quick jacks for CR, polished stainless. Notice bolt spacing is wider on thr CR.

Fri March 6, 2009 4:09am Rating: 10
quick jack bumpers
quick jack bumpers

Fri March 6, 2009 4:09am
quick jack bumpers
quick jack bumpers

Sun May 23, 2010 4:38pm Rating: 10
427 Cobra Project Car May '10
All the moving panles, hood, trunk & doors are on and fit nice. Now final details on the alum body and add bumpers & side pipe shields for inspection.

Wed June 8, 2011 1:18pm Rating: 10
Final Assembly
Shot of the rear with lights, bumpers and roll bars installed

Wed June 8, 2011 1:18pm Rating: 10
Final Assembly
Front view with lights, bumpers installed

Wed June 8, 2011 1:18pm Rating: 10
Final Assembly
Close-Up of rear with lights, bumpers and roll bars installed

Thu October 20, 2016 12:57pm Rating: 10
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